How much cardio is too?

Running, cycling and other aerobic exercises help improve your health and fitness. Find out how much aerobic exercise is for you and how much cardio is too much.
Hi friends! How’s the morning ?? I hope you have a wonderful week. For today’s post, I updated older * beefy * with a lot of fitness tips. If you are wondering how many cardio you need to do and you need help in your routine, I would love to help with the custom plan.
I often get variations of the same question. What is my goal of weight loss? What cardio exercises should I do? What is exactly * good * the amount of cardio I can do without losing muscle? What is the minimum?
But what the core of each of these questions ultimately raises :: How much cardio is too?
Let me dust my cardio queen and tell you a long story.
How much cardio is too?
Cardio Queen’s story
Back to the day, I thought cardio “The end of all” all “healthy, fitness and (what was my goal at that time) losing weight. I realized that it was better as far as cardio exercises are. I knew a little, I burned my precious muscle as I hit the path and hit the elliptical one. That’s right, I experienced a real muscle loss.
It is equally tragic and fun to consider the time I spent doing cardio, thinking I was throwing a solid to find out only later that it was an exaggeration. I was a cardio my little heart and it was a time when I went for an hour +, almost every day of the week. I worked too much cardio with great intensity. (This is and when I am Fucked up my metabolism a few years ago.)
Fortunately, I started working in the fitness industry, I became certified to teach a group fitness to work as a personal trainer and learned a lot about the Cardio Balance Law. It takes a little time to find out the amount and type of fitness that will encourage you according to your goals, while providing endorphins, sweat and gain performance (including endurance, speed and agility).
It was only when I reduced the duration of my aerobic session and made an exercise that did I notice the difference in my profit in fitness and overall health. I also felt a big boost in my gym Mojo, because I no longer used the time to read books and Gab -as friends. (< - still fun, but it opened the door as far as new classes are concerned, Hiit methods and fitness modalities!)
FAQ and tips to find your personal cute sweet spot
(As always, check with your doctor before making any changes in fitness. If you have medical conditions or have a sedentary lifestyle, it is especially important to start a program with the guidance of a doctor. As always, treat your body.)
What the hell is cardio? Does the strength training count?
Cardiovascular fitness is a critical aspect of health, which includes intake, transport and oxygen use during exercise. Your heart, lungs and muscles act as you run, sprint, or even suck during the day.
We measure cardio through Vo2max, which is the maximum amount of oxygen of the body. It is not easy to measure, so we will usually determine the intensity as a percentage of your maximum heart rate.
Example: I have 36, so my estimated maximum heart rate is 220-36 = 184. If I want to hit 80% (for high intensity exercises) my maximum heart rate, 184 x .8 = 147.2. In this case, I would aim to hit about 147 if I wear a heart rate monitor. This is in line with Recommendations by Nasmwhere I earned my personal training certification.
As for strength training as a conditioning, it can certainly. It depends on the consistent elevation of the heartbeat. If you do traditional training hypertrophy (3 sets of 10-12 repetitions, resting between sets), there is a good chance that you will not raise your heart rate and maintain it during exercise. If you do more training in a circle style or overburdening multiple exercises, your heart rate is likely to remain elevated! This can be counted as cardio exercise. Sometimes to exercise in a circle, my heart rate is bigger than it would be to do a stable condition, such as running on a racing track or dance.
What are cardio recommendations?
I never recommend that you make more than an hour of cardio unless you train for a particular event. If you just love him, make sure you have a few days (yes, more than one! Especially in this case) to recover your body. If you are consistently training the same muscles, especially if you perform the same types of cardio daily, you will not give them the opportunity to get stronger and recover. Also, it can set you up for excessive injuries < - not a picnic.
You must give your body the opportunity to heal between the sessions and be sure that alternative intensity. I always like to throw a reminder that The heart is a muscleAnd quite important. He needs a vacation, just like your legs, shoulders, chest, back, etc. Include simple days as part of your plan.
How many cardio is too much to build muscle?
Here General Cardio Recommendations:
At least 150 minutes of cardiorespiorepirates of moderate intensity, 75 minutes of energetic intensity or combination of moderate and energetic intensity per week. Weekly recommendation for training resistance is 2 or more days a week with exercises for all major muscle groups (at least 1 set of 8-12 repetitions for each muscle group). Flexibility and neuromotor exercises (balance, agility, coordination) are also recommended at least twice a week.
I think 150 minutes per week of moderate cardio is a great goal. If you work 5x a week, it’s 30 minutes each day. As for the minimum, I like to recommend a rush of walking for 20 minutes every day. That’s it. If you need, you can break your aerobic fitness session on blocks, which leads me to the next question. If you don’t train, more cardio training can potentially do more harm than benefits.
I don’t have much time for a solid cardio block. Should I just skip it completely?
Divide it !! I used to be guilty of thinking that if I didn’t have time to work for more than 10 minutes, it’s not worth it. It is valuable and can be useful. Once we exercise, our body has to work hard to fill its stores and regulate the temperature of the tissue. This is called EPOC (excess oxygen consumption after exercise) and burns additional calories. Coming in more short training every day, you get a bonus ePoc session. So, do what you can, when you can. If you only have 20 minutes to exercise, here are some ideas.
(Sculpt Society is one of my favorite cardio forms! This relationship gets you a month free.)
Cardio tips
Start slowly and accumulate from there.
It is smarter to start with less and accumulate from there.
Focus on the quality of the quantity.
Focus on time counting and maximally draw your training. It’s not about how many minutes you can add to your time, but more about how you feel. Do you feel challenging, sweaty and energized (not exhausted)?
Your cardio magic number can be different from the above recommendations.
Depending on the types of cardio modus you do, how often you train strength and your daily activity level, you may find that you need less “traditional cardio” and greater power. All this is a matter of experimenting and finding a magic number according to your unique goals and circumstances. This number can also change from week to week, depending on what’s going on. Cardio is a critical aspect of health, so if you can, try to walk a little and be active every day.
Don’t overdo it.
Unnecessarily high cardio activity (without purpose, such as training for an event) can set you up for excessive injuries, increased cortisol levels, consumption of the immune system function, afraid of training, increase heart rate at rest, joint pain, extreme muscle pain, muscle pain and fatigue. This can make the hunger levels pass and affect your hormones (which is why many women who make too hard cardio can suffer from a lack of menstrual cycle, hair loss, skin change, anxiety, depression, change in sleep and irritability). When you overdo it on cardiou, your body can also start using your skinny muscle as a fuel, which reduces overall strength and muscle mass. Which means you could lose your muscle besides body fat. The composition of your body changes and you need to find a sweet place for cardio in the exercise routine – one that works for you and your unique goals. You must have a lot of “easy days”!
If you hate it, discard it.
There are so many cardio fish in the sea, you are destined to find something you love. Do not be afraid to try different classes, ways and instructors until you find your perfect match. If you decide that the traditional cardio is not for you, get it through a circle training or something else that will increase heartbeat. Remember the bonus of unintentional exercises (also neatly called: thermogenesis without exercise), and to burn calories and increase heart rate through daily physical activities such as household chores, gardening, orders, intimate activities, etc. 🙂
It is also important to note that a balanced routine includes cardio, weight training, mobility and rest.
So tell me, friends, how often do you currently do cardio in your routine?
When I taught at the resort, I worked intense quantities – taught up to 3 dance cardio classes in a row. My knee also hated me too. Currently I only work 2-3 days cardio, and I also walk Maisey every day.
Some resources:
35 body weight exercises on cardio
What does cardio fitness mean?
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