He has recovered from his last accident – BionicOldGuy

As I mentioned in my last post I ended a group ride last week by falling off the bike. I landed on the derriere pretty hard, as well as the head. My head was well protected by my helmet, and later that day I got a replacement with an even better safety rating from my bike shop. My head was almost undamaged thanks to the helmet. I got a whiplash injury that luckily didn’t involve the cervical spine, but my neck muscles hurt for a few days. My back was fine, without fractures, but the natural support provided by the gluteal muscles took the brunt of the load, so those muscles were very painful. I rode lightly for a few days but was still able to train my upper body hard. Yesterday was my first longer and harder ride, and everything was much better. It’s nice to learn a lesson from a mistake like the one I made and then recover from it.