‘Hell Plan’: Israeli Gaza Scheme | TV shows
For seven weeks in the Agreement on the termination of fire in Gaza, Israel openly continues its war crimes in Gaza – blocking humanitarian aid – with the tacit support of the international main media.
Main associates:
Daniel Levy – President, US/Middle East
Saree Makdisi – Professor of England and Comparative Literature, UCLA
Samira Mohyeddin – founder, on a line medium
Mouin Rabbani-Ko-Midnik, Jadalaliyya
On our radar:
The new AI “Meter” La Times ” – which offers counterpoints to pieces of work opinion, has aroused controversy. Tariq Nafi explores its role in a variable media landscape that is aligned with Donald Trump.
Are ADL statistics of anti-Semitism credible?
The defamation league is one of the most influential and well-funded non-governmental organizations in the United States-Ui receives more media attention than ever. Post listeningMeenakshi Ravi reports on the organization, his executive director and his worrying attitude: the association of anti-nationalism with anti-Semitism.
Omar Baddar – Political and Media Analyst
Eva Borgwardt – National spokeswoman if not now
Emmaia Gelman – Director, Institute for Critical Study of Zionism