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The German Spy Agency ‘believed Coid probably started in the laboratory’

The German side of the intelligence service believed that there was an 80-90% chance that Coronavirus accidentally leaked from the Chinese laboratory, according to German media.

Two German newspapers say they discovered details about the estimate that the GND spy agency spent in 2020, but never published.

The intelligence service had indications that the Wuhan Institute of Virology performed experiments in which the viruses were modified to become more transparent to people for research, they say.

Responding to previous claims claim, China said that the cause of “scientists” should be determined – and pointed to an investigation into the World Health Organization, which found that laboratory leak theory was “extremely unlikely”.

There is no consensus on the cause of coal pandemic.

Laboratory leak hypothesis is the scientists of hot challengedincluding many who say there is no final evidence to support it.

But once a controversial theory is obtained among some intelligence agencies. In January, Said the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Koronavirus was “more likely” that he had leaked from the lab than to come from animals.

According to Die zeit and Sueddeutscher Zeitung, the BND intelligence service met in Berlin in 2020 to consider the origin of the coronavirus in surgery called Project Saarema.

She estimated the laboratory theory as “probable”, although she had no final evidence.

BND also established indications that several security regulations have occurred in the laboratory.

The assessment was ordered by the office of Angela Merkel, a German chancellor, but has never been publicly known so far.

According to the documents, the findings were divided with CIA in the fall last year.

In January this year, CIA said that the “pandemic origin” is related to research more likely than natural origin “based on the available body of reporting” – although he warned that he had “low trust” in this determination.

Both BND and departure chancellor Olaf Scholz refused to comment.

The Chinese spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mao Ning said in response: “We believe that the monitoring of the origin of the COIDD-19 is a scientific question that scientists should determine with a scientific approach.

“The conclusion that laboratory leaks are very little probably achieved by a joint expert who, after a visit to the spot in Wuhan and a deep debate with researchers on the spot.

“This authoritative scientific conclusion was widely recognized by the international community and the scientific community.

“China firmly opposes any form of political manipulation on the issue of Coid-19 search.”

Investigation by WHO at the beginning of 2021, a team of scientists flew to Wuhan on a mission to consider the source of pandemic.

After spending 12 days there, which included a visit to the laboratory, the team concluded that the theory of the laboratory was “extremely unlikely”.

But many have ever questioned their discoveries, with a prominent group of scientists who have criticized the WHO report that they did not take the laboratory leak theory seriously enough-it has been on several hundred pages reports on several hundred pages.

Hydrogen supporters of natural origin – which is supported in the WHO report – say that Covid -19 appeared in bats, and then jumped on humans, most likely through another animal or “intermediary host”.

This hypothesis was widely accepted at the beginning of the pandemic, but as time and time was breaking through, scientists did not find the virus in either sticks or other animal that corresponds to the Genetic composition of the covid-19, which led to doubt the theory.

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