Machi supporters in Arizona persuade a new law prohibition of worthless food in schools

The Arizona account wants to re -make school lunches with a healthy branch of ultra -processed food.
House Bill 2164, entitled ARIZONI HEALTHY SCHOOLS Law, introduced the national team player Leo Priasiucci, and inspired the RFK JR. movement. Make American Healthy (Maha).
The account would ban any food containing potassium, propylparaben, titanium dioxide, bromied vegetable oil, yellow 5 and 6, blue 1 and 2, green 3 and red 3 and 40.
Re -do America healthy: what to know about the movement
“The legislative body reveals that ultra -processed, industrially produced, food that has been rejected by nutrients with synthetic additives, stainless minors in public schools and contributes to that obesity of childhood,“The account writes.
The Law on Health Schools in Arizona was introduced by the representative Leo Priasiucci forbidden Ultra processed food in school lunches. (Leo PriaSiUcci)
Adding, “Any meal or snack program financed by taxpayers offered to minors in public schools in this country should be nutritious and made primarily from whole, minimally processed plant or animal products.”
On Tuesday, a “Cut the Chemicals” press conference was held in Arizona Department of Education .
Marla Maples advocates healthier food choices for Americans in the middle of RFK JR. Hearing
On The Presser, Rev. Priasiucci, together with the advocates of the wellness and the supporters of the law, gathered to divide the importance of improving the law in Arizona.
The Law on Healthy Schools in Arizona, introduced by a representative Leo Priasiucci, comes while Americans speak for the benefit of the RFK JR. movement. -At makeup healthy move again. (East)
PriaSisiucci said Fox News Digital that an idea for an account was caused while in Italy visiting his family last summer.
“[I] I realized that even after eating pizza, pasta, bread, cheese and ice cream I felt great almost daily. Then I started looking at the ingredients in the food and noticed that they did not have all the colors and chemicals we had in our food, “Priasisucci said.
He added, “Sometimes, These foods It even came from companies that provide the same product and in the United States and in Europe. At that moment I knew I had to do something. “
Top Influencens in Make America Healthy Rebing: See List
Priasiucci said that the movement “made America again healthy” absolutely influenced his legislative plan and that the support of this law was amazing.
Tail. Priasiucci (pictured) told Fox News Digital via E -Mail. The idea for an account was caused while visiting his family in Italy last summer. (Leo PriaSiUcci)
Calley means, an advocate for healthcare reformFocusing on the intersection of food, politics and chronic diseases, he said that these foods of food are raw oil.
“They are unambiguously related to mass behevioral and neurological issues for children. This is not allowed in any other developed country in the world … We have a food industry that depends on children and rice lives,” Means said.
Means added: “From the view of the food industry, the largest fast food There are school lunches in America. “
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From 2017 to March 2020. 22.2% adolescents 12–19 diagnosed obesity, according to CDC.
From 2017 to March 2020. 22.2% adolescents 12-19 Diagnosed obesity. (Reuters/Amira Karaoud/File Photo)
And from 2015 to 2018. 28.2% of teenagers were diagnosed with prediabetesaccording to the pediatrics of the pit.
Diana Diaz-Harrison, Executive Director of the Charter School in Arizona and Mom Autism, Saiit is sad that she saw what she is currently serving as school lunches.
“Honestly, I do not feel good in the feeding of children on lunch and breakfast every day, because it is honest something I would not eat, nor would I give my child,” Diaz-Harrison said.
Actor and a comedian Rob Schneider was also present at a press conference.
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“We can get a farmer’s market and make chefs help and want to encourage schools and parents [to] Get involved. This can be a thing in a community where he leaves schools and then becomes part of the parent, becomes part of lifetime style, “ said Schneider.
B 2164 will head to the floor of the Arizona House of Representatives for a full house. (Leo PriaSiUcci)
Schneider added: “I have two children here in ArizonaAnd I love this condition. And the passion here was fantastic. “
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The HB 2164 will be referred to the floor of the Arizona House for a full house.