Desert driving – Bionicoldguy

“I was fun in the desert for the last few days. On Tuesday I picked up a rental and then made a local riding. On Wednesday I drove the desert paths south of my brother’s house. These trails were relatively straight, so I didn’t have to worry about because of jump over rocks or passing through washing, because I’m not a very good mountain cyclist.
Later that day we went to Flagstaff to see Lowell Observatory. That was a really fun trip. It was interesting to watch the landscape change as we got an altitude, crossing from a relatively dry desert to the end of the pine forest. The observatory is at the top of the mountain with a beautiful landscape and it was a very interesting visit. They have a nice museum and some good tour.
On Thursday, I found Phoenix channel trails, a especially southern Highline trail, and I rode it a few kilometers, which was fun. Then I found desert trails in the Pim Canyon in 20000 (about 4200 ha) of a mountain park. The paths were straight enough for me, and I enjoyed riding. I ended up with some local riding. This is a beautiful area to visit in winter. “