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Trans Airmen, the staff of the space force until March 26 must resign under Trump’s order: Memo

Pentagon It calls for transgender military staff in air and space forces to “voluntarily separate” by the end of the month, saying that individuals with gender dysforia are “incompatible with high mental and physical standards needed for military service.”

The troops have up to March 26 to resign, according to the Memorandum submitted on Sunday at the US District Court for District Columbia, as part of Talbott against Trump – one of the first lawsuits filed against the executive order of President Donald Trump who forbidden transgender troops from the troops army – Legal proponents and defenders GLBTQ (Joy Law) and National Lesbian Rights Center.

“Members of the service of the Volunteer Divorce will be paid at a rate that is twice the amount for which a member of the service would be acceptable according to the inadvertent salary of separation,” and the memorandum, signed by the Assistant Air Force for Working Force and Reserve Affairs, Gwendolyn R. Defilippi.

Pentagon says transgender troops are disqualified from service without exemption

The memorandum that has published US air force requires that the trans troops are voluntarily separated by March 26. (Getty Images)

Crossing hormone Treatments will continue for the members of the Service Diagnosis of the Gender Dysphoria that began before the separate memorandum of the published last week until “separation was completed” according to the direction of the Ministry of Defense medical service provider “To prevent further complications.”

However, members of transgender services must adhere to to implement their biological gender, “immediately in effect”, including showers, bathrooms and residential areas, until their withdrawal is completed. Physical dress and fitness standards must also correspond to the biological sex of the service members, states the memorandum.

Last weekly internal memorandum from Pentagon states that members of the service who are transgender or otherwise show their gender dysphoria forbidden by military service, unless they obtain an exemption.

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Pentagon invites transgender military staff in air and space forces to “voluntarily separate” by the end of the month. (Getty)

“The air forces record is in line with this cleaning of highly achieved, dedicated members of transgender services,” lawyer Jennifer Levi from Glad Law said on Monday. “It’s shameful. Mine also shows the chaos and the devastation of this administration in ways that undermine our national security.”

Trump’s transgender ban on military prohibition is currently facing legal challenges and Ministry of Justice He appealed against the chairman of the judge, Ana Reyes, accusing her of potential bias and misbehavior. There are currently a few lawsuits that specially challenge Trump’s executive commands associated with gender.

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The latest memorandum requires a transgender aviation and space force of military personnel “voluntarily separated” until March 26. (Getty Images)

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Fox News Digital addressed the Ministry of Defense and the White House for comment.

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