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Trump’s administration is considering a new ban on travel that could hit dozens of nations | News Donald Trump

According to a New York Times report, travel prohibition could affect at least 40 countries.

President of the United States Donald TrumpThe administration was considering a new ban on a trip that is expected to influence citizens from dozens of countries to different degrees, the New York Times reported.

Quoting anonymous officials, a report published on Friday stated a draft of the US Government 43 countries, divided into three categories of travel limitations.

The first group of 10 countries, including Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Cuba and North Korea, would be set for a complete suspension of the visa.

In the second group of five countries – Eritrea, Haiti, Laos, Mjanmar and South Sudan – would face partial suspensions that would affect tourist and student visas, as well as other immigrant visas, with some exceptions.

In the third group, a total of 26 countries involving Belarus, Pakistan and Turkmenistan will be considered to be a partial suspension of US visa issuance if their governments “do not make efforts to deal with deficiencies within 60 days,” the Memorandum draft drew.

The American Officer who speaks anonymity told the Reuters News Agency that there could be changes to the list, which is yet to be approved by the administration, including US Secretary of State Marc Rubio.

On January 20, Trump issued an executive command that required an increased security check of all foreigners who sought reception to the United States to detect the threats of national security.

Command directed Several members of the cabinet who submitted a list of countries from March 21, which should be partially or completely suspended, because their “check information and check so flawed.”

The US president’s directive is part of the immigration action he launched at the beginning of his second term. He examined his plan in speech in October 2023, promising to limit people from Gaza, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen and “anywhere else who threatens our safety.”

The last proposal for the ban on the trip, however, returns to Trump’s first time ban on the seven -state passengers from the Muslim majority, the policies that went through several iterations before the Supreme Court supported it in 2018.

This ban was aimed at the citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen, and an international outraged and domestic verdict fell against it. Iraq and Sudan later gave up on the list, but in 2018, the Supreme Court confirmed the later version of the ban for other nations, as well as North Korea and Venezuela.

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