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The German court convicted five for a conspiracy for the abduction of a healthcare official and a wider chaos

Five people were sentenced to prison for what the authorities in Germany described as a conspiracy to abduct the Minister of Health on Live Television in 2022 in an attempt to destabilize the German state.

After almost a two -year trial, the court on Thursday found that five, under a group charged as “United Patriots”, planned to create a widely widespread current shortage, and then use chaos to return the 19th century Constitution that brings power to the Almighty Kaiser.

They were convicted of establishing or joining a terrorist group, for betrayal, and in some cases of possession of illegal weapons, rifles and explosives.

Jörn Müller, a court spokesman in Koblenz in West Germany, said the trial “showed that a democratic constitutional state could face its alleged opponents on the basis of law and order in honest and independent trial.”

The court sentenced a 46-year-old man who was found to be a central figure of a group to eight years in prison. The 77-year-old who received her doctorate in theology and often interrupted court hearing with anti-Semitic and diatrika innate theory in conspiracy, said a seven-year and nine-month sentence. Three other men, all in their 50s, received penalties in the range of six and a half years to two years and 10 months.

In accordance with the German privacy laws, the defendant was identified only by their initials.

The five were part of the Reichsbürger scene, a slightly associated anti -Semitic extreme right group that does not accept the legitimacy of the modern German state. Their planned overthrow is not directly related to far more complex and far more dangerous, plot A dissatisfied prince gathered currently being tried on three separate courts in Germany.

After meeting and radicalizing on the Telegram group during the pandemic, the parcel members tried to buy and keep weapons and other tools for their plans, according to a case initiated by prosecutors. Police are searching after their arrest in 2022 they gave 52 low -level explosive packages, with which the authorities said that the group hoped to use large parts of the electric network.

The group members were arrested while trying to buy AK-47 assault rifles, mines and impenetrable vests. The seller was a secret police officer and the exchange was the setting.

Five sentences on Thursday focused their escape at the German Health Minister, Karla Lauterbach, a doctor and a former professor who taught at the Harvard School of Public Health. During the pandemic, he was an open advocate of vaccination rules, often appearing on television shows to explain the medical science behind the spread of coronavirus.

On Thursday, he thanked the German police for guarding him. “The state has shown that it can defend itself against the theorists of the violent conspiracy,” he said on social media.

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