The fractures of the Democratic Party in the struggle to exclude the Government because activists support the primary challenges of the supporters of the GOP Law of the Law on GOP

The Democratic Party was breaking as a torrent of frustration on Friday, and anger was released in the Senate Democrats, led by Sen.Chuck SchumerWho faced what they saw as a terrible choice:Turn off the governmentor consent to the Republican Financing Act that enables President Donald Trump to continue to overthrow the Federal Government.
AfterSchumer announcedThat he would reluctantly support the bill, he carried a strong anger, including a protest in his office, calls for advancement that he would be original in 2028 and proposals that the Democratic Party would soon seek new leaders.
Nine other members of the Democratic MPs, mostly senators with swing and retirement, joined Schumer in voting to improve republican financing proposal, providing key support to bring him to the final vote. He went late on Friday with Sens. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire and King Angus of Maine who voted for Republicans in favor.
From their losses of elections, Democrats were opposed to Trump’s early actions in power, locked in legislative power and left the search for a plan to return political momentum. But as Schumer released one of the few moments when the party could recover influence in Washington, the Democratic Party broke out at a time of anger that was being built for months.
Many in the party considered the New York Democratsnot showing enough fightingclaiming that the exclusion of the Government would force Trump and Republicans to the negotiating table. However, for Schumer, who led the Democrats of Senate since Trump took office in 2016, the choice eventually prevented the prevention of exclusion, which he believes he will only surrender to Trump more can be able to leave his party with the guilt of government services disorders.
“The closure would allow Doge to transfer to an over -drive,” Schumer warned on the floor of the Senate on Friday, inviting himself to the Ministry of Government, who was led by Elon Musk.
Schumer did not vote for the final voice for the funding law, which only requires a simple majority. Nevertheless, Democrats have announced the flow of angry statements and posts on social media aimed at Schumer.
Democratic tail. Troy Carter of Louisiana shared a photo of Trump and Schumer who became involved in a conversation with the inscription: “A picture is worth a thousand words!”
Even in Senate, barely no Democrats spoke in support of Schumer’s strategy on Friday. It was an outstanding turn for a long -standing democratic leader, leaving him standing practically alone.
Emerita Nancy Pelosi, his long -standing ally and partner in financial fighting from the past, said in a statement: “Let’s be clear: no good option for the American people. But this false choice that some buy instead of fighting is unacceptable.”
Pelosi added that the senators should listen to women who run the funds for Democrats, Ambassador Rosa Delauro of Connecticut and Senator Patty Murray of Washington. They suggested a 30-day stop plan forRepublican proposal that ensures fundingby September. A republican account will reduce $ 13 billion without a level of defense at the budget year 2024 and increase the consumption for defense by $ 6 billion.
While Democrats of House, who almost all voted against the law at the beginning of this week, concluded a withdrawal in northern Virginia on Friday, also invited their colleagues of Senate to show more fights. The home democratic leadership hurried back to the capitol to hold a press conference and invite the senators to reject the law of the law.
“We do not want to exclude the Government. But we are not afraid of government financing of the showdown,” Jeffries said.
He also repeatedly refused to answer questions about whether he had confidence in Schumer.
Other Democrats, such as the Kentucky Government Andy Nezhear, who was considered a potential presidential candidate in 2028 and also visited a democratic withdrawal, called for a wider movement. He mentioned the recent 60th anniversary of peaceful protests for civil rights in Selma in Alabama and claimed that Democrats should find “collective courage”.
“When these individuals marched, there was no vote,” non -Hehear said. “There was a collective courage of that group that changed the world. That day opened the Earth’s eyes to what really happened.”
Some were ready to start marching.
“We are ready to get out of this building and go back to the capitol every moment and prevent the government from excluding,” said the Greg Casar envoy from Texas, chairman of the Congress Progressive Representative.
“Now it’s a moment for Democrats to draw a line on the stand and say that we stood very firmly on the side of the people from the working class and against Ultra rich who are trying to corrupt our government for themselves,” he added.
Meanwhile, some of the most influential progressive groups in the country warned of serious political consequences for the democrats of the Senate and predicted a fierce return when members of the Congress return home next week.
Ezra Levin, the co-founder of Indivisible, who organized hundreds of protests across the nation, said that almost 8 of the 10 group activists support the basic challenges against “Demota Senate dealing with the GOP account”.
On social networks, he wrote that the vast majority of these democratic activists plan to express their anger in city councilors or other public events next week. Moveon, another progressive group that claims to be almost 10 million members across the country, predicted that his activists would also require answers from democratic officials in the coming days
“The cleansing of the road to Donald Trump and Elon Musk to push themselves into social security, Medicare and Medicaid is unacceptable. It’s been a time for Democrats to fight and stop acting as if it were business as usual, “said Joel Payne, a spokesman for Moveon.
The Democrats of Senate were also generally not willing to talk to the defense of Schumer’s move. Senator Raphael Warnock, Democrat Georgia, even suggested that the party should look for new leaders in the coming years.
“I think ’26, ’28 will come, we’ll get a new leadership,” he said. Later, his office said that Warnock was answered widely to the question.
Basically, the senators just regretted being stuck by the Republican Party who found a new sense of unity under Trump. For years, Republicans House failed to gather votes for state funding on their own, forcing them to two -sided negotiations. This time,They passedaccount on party lines and left Washington.
“We stuck with two bad choices presented by a united Republican front,” said Senator Mark Warner, a Democrat of Virginia.
He voted against the bill, but Schumer’s decision said: “These are difficult, difficult calls.”
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