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The family reveals a huge egg ‘triple the size’ laid by chicken

These days, it is not the size of chicken, but the size of an egg of the chicken that is counting.

Rob Griffin and his family They were stunned recently when their chicken laid a huge egg more than three times more than a normal size. (Watch the video at the top of this article.)

Griffin, 38, who lives in England with his three daughters, Ruby, 12, Elsie, 9 and Olive, 3, told the Swws news agency that it took them five hours that it took them five hours to lay a huge egg.

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The too much egg weighed more than 6 ounces, Griffin said.

Gail eggs usually weigh around the ounce. Too big egg in a supermarket is about 2.5 ounces, Swws reported.

The hen of the Griffin commodity laid an egg that was more than three times larger than a normal egg. (Rob Griffin/Swws)

The video shows how Griffin Craking opens a rare find to discover another shell from the inside.

Griffin and one of his daughters One can hear him say, “What?”

One of the girls says it is a “double egg yolk” – while the father corrects her, saying they have a “double egger”.

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“My oldest daughter went to Hutch to see if the hens laid down anything and went out with this ginormus egg,” Griffin told Swws. “It was the size of the ostrich.”

Griffin initially thought “someone planted him” Like a joke.

“It was a triple size of a normal egg,” he said.

Griffin displayed a giant egg next to a standard egg to show comparison. (Rob Griffin/Swws)

He called him a “rare phenomenon.”

“We couldn’t believe it,” Griffin said.

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“We thought it would be double yolks, but when the second egg turned out, we were in shock. I didn’t even know it could happen.”

Griffin said to Swws that he had opened a smaller egg from the inside, which he said was normal and had his own its own egg yolk.

Griffin and his daughters were “in shock” when another egg fell from a massive egg. “I didn’t even know that could happen,” Griffin said. (Rob Griffin/Swws)

The family had a gail – along with another hen named Dorothy – about a year.

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Griffin said they had never seen anything like this before – and maybe they won’t.

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The impressive hen now seemingly returns to place the eggs of normal size.

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