
Solid work models will not survive AI. Here’s what it will

Artificial intelligence, automation and digital connectivity are basically transforming how to organize work. Nevertheless, corporate jobs, because of the way they are structured, are struggling to continue.

According to Ey, The average life span of S&P 500 has fallen over 65 years in his forties to only 15 years. The speed of technological progress exceeds the adaptability of our work systems, many of which are designed for slower and more predictable. Companies that once succeeded in longevity and stability must now accept agility, continuous learning and dynamic labor models.

As new technologies like AI are still developing, cooperation, sustainability and deeper integration of technology with human ingenuity will become more and more important in labor. The mandate for business leaders is clear: the organizations must transcend the outdated hierarchy and re -examine the structures of work in a way that empowers both people and machines.

The industrial revolution was moving slowly. This one won’t

Integration of AI -based technologies already affects the work that people do and how they do. Mustafa Suleyman, Executive Director Microsoft AI coined the term “artificial capable intelligence” (ACI), which is a point where AI can solve complex problems without human intake. In the next few years, we will probably see an increase in AI agent and more autonomous systems that together work to achieve successful outcomes.

This does not mean that people will become outdated, but the role of human supervision goes from executing a task at the distribution of resources and strategies. Dan Shipper, Executive Director of each, this shift calls the transition from the economy of knowledge to distribution economywhich he defines as “how well you can assign and manage resources to do the job.” Instead of simply managing their work, people will have to learn how to best arrange the work of AI and then manage it. This is a new way of thinking about working for most workers today.

Unfortunately, the cumbersome way in which today’s corporations are structured make it difficult for them to continuously increase their workforce in Lockstep -us technology progress. The organizations are worse for efficiency and scalability, not for learning and adaptability. And, current labor market dynamics only exacerbates this challenge AI skill.

A radical new labor market

The American labor market goes through a deep transformation, a transforming way we think about work and employment. Although job growth remains stable, there are significant shifts in the practice of participation and employment of labor. The participation of the workforce is lagging behind the level before the pandemic, and millions of adults in working age decide not to actively become actively involved in the workforce. Many of these individuals have abandoned due to the non -compliance of skills, lack of training capabilities, or change of priority after the pandemic.

Partly, as a result, companies are increasingly facing a jazz skill that is complex the number of jobs that outweigh the available talent. In fact, there are currently 9 million jobs In the United States, but the number of unemployed individuals who actively seek jobs remains much lower, emphasizing the non -disposition between employers’ needs and the availability of labor.

This shift is further guided by the increase in free and contingent work, which quickly becomes the main choice of career. Today, Almost 40% Workforce in the USA is dealing with a contract or free work, a number expected to reach 50% until 2050. This trend is particularly pronounced among younger generations, such as Gena Z, which are increasingly gravitated Portfeling career Instead of traditional full -time roles. At the same time, the employment process became more impersonal, with automation and Ghost trends leaving the job seekers frustrated. While the companies are fighting for movement with this dynamics, the participation of labor is still developing in ways that cause both employers and employees, demanding a new approach to the acquisition and retaining talent.

Guilds aimed at skill as a future of work

As the adoption of AI accelerates, traditional corporate training programs show too slow and inconsistent with the requirements in the real world. In the meantime, companies continue to rely on full -time employment models that do not support today’s increasingly independent and projective workforce.

Decision? Guilds aimed at skills (SDG).

SDGs function as a modern, technological ecosystem with talent that brings together workers, companies and educational resources to specialized communities. Unlike traditional employment, the SDGs provide a structured but flexible career frame, where professionals are continuously increasing and connecting with new capabilities, while companies accurately enter the professional talent when they need them.

UPWORK -This recent qualitative research with Wikistrat The invited group of 20 experts to predict that the work structures are likely to develop by 2030. One area of ​​consensus included the idea that companies would have fewer full -time employees and more free freelancers employing specific skills and limited projects. However, experts acknowledged that the assembly of these teams would require the development of new talents management systems that are low-need, reliable and transparent. As work becomes more dynamic and based on projects, solid corporate structures do not effectively support workers or companies.

As guilds aimed at skills work in practice

The guild aimed at skills acts like the working market, but with built -in training, confidence and constant engagement. Today, platforms like UPWORKA already function as proto-SDGs, offering companies access to a specialized free talent on request.

Here’s what the SDG -DO DIFFERENT:

  • Checked, high quality talent: SDG workers show their expertise through past projects, estimates focused on AI and peer examinations-not only traditional degrees or summaries.
  • Continuous learning and Upskilling: SDGs offer a structured learning path, where professionals train in high demand skills, along with work in the real world, often in partnership with companies or training providers.
  • Community-austerity sharing: Members get access to mentoring, career resources and industrial relationships, similar to traditional professional guilds but without being related to one employer.
  • Faster employment and reduced friction: companies immediately match the right professionals and integrate them into projects imperceptibly, reducing the time of employment.

Who pays the guild? Why would companies invested?

The SDG economy works differently than traditional employment. Instead of long -term contracts and directing, companies pay access to a courier, highly qualified talent only when necessary. Several different models could include:

  • Guilds sponsored for Enterprise: large organizations could finance the guilds in exchange for the preferred approach to top professionals in AI, engineering or creative fields.
  • Guided by Freelancers: Independent professionals contribute to a guild for networking, training and employment capabilities, similar to professional associations.

Not only do companies invest in SDGs to provide a pipeline of qualified workers, but they also acquire a strategic advantage of their workforce against technological disorders, while maintaining the agility on the rapidly evolved market.

Construction of a workforce that manages in AI that succeeds

The transition to more flexible, employment focused on skill is already ongoing. Organizations that think about forward accept fractional executive roles, an increase in labor that supports AI and talent markets to remain competitive. Those who invest in guilds aimed at skills will not only attract the best talent, but also the future, their workforce in the coming decades.

The organizations that progress will be those that Skilling see as a constant journey, not a one -off event. Workers who are continuously adapted to and Uppoll will guide the next wave of innovation, providing economic resistance during the era of rapid disorder.

The question is no longer if traditional corporation will develop but How fast The leaders are willing to build a networked future for work based on skills.

Opinions expressed in fortune.com Comments are just the views of their authors and do not necessarily reflect opinions and beliefsWealth.

This story is originally shown on Fortune.com

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