“Perfectly stormy beer” that could put the older elderly aging in a difficult position, says MP

Democratic New York Ambassador Toma suzzi said on Tuesday that there is a disaster that is cooked for the aging of the population in the country and wants to do something about it.
In addition to the Republican Ambassador John Moolenara, SAZZI presented “The Welcome of Insurance for the Elderly at Home” on Tuesday, which seeks to help the larger the elderly in the country to receive long -term insurance of home care.
“Currently, 10,000 Americans are 65 every day,” Cozzi told reporters during a reporter call on Tuesday, and in five years 6,000 Americans will turn 85 every day. Saczzi also noted that there are currently only about 4% of the elderly covered Long -term care insurance.
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“One of the main causes of people becoming homeless people – new homeless people – it’s 80 years old, because a lot of people become poor as they grow old, and face what is called” their inability to carry out daily live activities, “Sazzi said. And not only can nursing homes not cope with this amount of people, but the Medicaid system will be corrupt, and two -thirds of people in America who are in nursing homes are paid for Medicaid. “
(The Democratic New York Ambassador Toma suzzi said on Tuesday that there is a catastrophe that beers for the aging of the population in the country and wants to do something about it.)
Next to all growing older population In the United States, suzzi also quoted social factors that make it difficult for aging and disabled elderly to get home care they need. One fact is that Americans have fewer children, so there will be fewer to take care of their aging or disabled parents. The other was the fact that children were increasingly moving to other parts of the country away from their parents, and again increasing the burden for the elderly to understand things on their own.
“A lot of people become older citizens, because Baby Boomers are available, there are fewer children who take care of them, and children who are alive do not necessarily live where their parents live. So, we have this great conservation, and Medicaid will never be able to solve this problem,” Saczzi said. “And nursing homes – there is simply not enough old -time homes. There is not enough money to pay for older homes for all these people. My legislation It is designed to try and encourage the private sector to create a long -term care insurance that is accessible. “
In five years, 6,000 Americans will be 85 every day. (East)
Known for its acronyms, Wish, Saczzi and Moolenar’s new account seeks to create a federal “catastrophic care fund” that will help cover some of the costs of long-term care. The aim is to encourage private insurers to develop and market an affordable and available insurance of long -term care, which, overtime, have stopped providing wider. The reason, Sazzi said, was that it was simply not profitable enough, because most of the elderly with long -term care insurance was surpassed by the life conditions and cost insurance companies a lot of money.
Saczzi compared his new Medicare Plan of Part B, another similar program of division of the cost that encouraged the insurers to encourage customers to enroll. Seniors could benefit from the newly created fund at the level of complex, according to each person’s revenue level.
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The Democratic MP emp Also proposed a payment plan that includes an increased income tax shared both employees and employers, but SAZZI noted that the plan is unlikely to get GOP support necessary. Another potential payment option for a new prolonged care fund could pass from social security reforms, Congressmen added.
On Tuesday, SAZZI presented “Insurance Delivery for the Elderly at home”, who seeks to help a larger older population in a country that will receive long -term home care insurance. (Mary Altaffer/AP Photo)
In addition to the “perfect storm” that is cooked for the elderly, the other storm is also cooked Capitol Hill Just about how to finance the federal government. Republicans increase efforts to reconcile and, as part of this frame, are looking for approximately $ 800 billion in a decrease in Medicaid. Although the Law on Wishes could help reduce the amount of reduction needed during reconciliation, Sruzzi said he was afraid that he was too tight from the window to make enough legislator on board.
“I suppose there is an argument that it could get there if we could show between and now that it would be a big savings in Medicaid,” Sazzi told reporters. “I see that this is taking this whole term that people are educated on the matter, more people are interested in the problem and get older advocacy groups and private insurers who will advocate on behalf of this idea. So this will not happen on its own. It will have to be part of something bigger, but not, I think until we educate people about the severity of the problem.” “
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