NOVIĆNIK Journalist: Voting from Home

Woody Allen has famously determined that 90% of success in life is just appearing.
Keeping this in mind, if the House of Home allows members Congress Vote from home?
How about very certain criteria?
Oh, maybe you will say, did they not try that a few years ago during the pandemic? MPs would literally refer their votes to a member of the proxy on the floor. This member in Washington, DC, would then go through a set of index cards, announcing that the member was either in favor of or opposed a certain law, amendment, resolution or proposal.
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Should the House of Representatives allow members of the congress to vote from home? (Paul Bersebach/Medianews Group/Orange County Register via Getty Images)
This represented the home vote during the darkest pandemic days.
Social distance encouraged Proxy Home Vote. It was probably not the best idea to push 435 people into the house at the same time when Covid-19 raged in 2020. Envoy Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla, and former Ambassador Ben McADams, D-utah, was tested positively in mid-March 2020.
It’s been a while, but the home eventually adopted a remote vote. Former speaker Nancy PelosiD-Calif., Initially had reserves related to practice, but as pandemic pipelines, advocates claimed that the flying results of the legislators from all over the country to Washington and the return to their district were not feasible or perhaps safe.
So the house spent the proxy vote.
Former Nancy Pelosi House speaker speaks in 92ny on October 24, 2024 in New York. (John Lampar/Getty Images)
“People have to choose between their health and voice.
Ambassador Don Beyer, D-Va., Represents the district just over the Sunday River in northern Virginia. That means Beyer was always near Capitol hill. Beyer served as one of the most reliable surrogates for his colleagues who would vote through him on the floor and would often come to the floor toward the end of voting to call and read the rush of names.
Former speaker Kevin McCarthyR-CALIF., Determined the practice.
“For over 231 years we have never seen a proxy on the floor of the house,” McCarthy said.
Then the speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Thursday, January 12, 2023, conducts a press conference at the US Status Hall. (Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)
Democrats pointed to health and security. Many Republicans in turn pointed to the Constitution. Article I, Section 5 of the Constitution, which says “most of each (chamber) represents a quorum for business.”
The GOP claimed that everything the house did – under the proxy vote and democratic control – unconstitutional. The members had to be there personally. Still, many Republicans eventually started practicing a practice – even while some spoke against remote voting.
Quickly forward to the present.
Tail. Anna Paulina LunaR-Fla., Gave birth to a son during the summer of 2023. Tail. Brittany Pettersen, D-Colo., In January she gave birth to a son. Pettersen was only 13. The woman who ever gave birth while she was in power.
But becoming a new mom does not align with an intense schedule represented by members of the Congress. Traveling to Washington and from Washington, DC, MPs are routinely expecting to be in three places at once: meeting with voters, voting on the floor and may have attended the Committee’s hearing. You get an idea.
Then there are real health care for new moms. The doctors put pregnant mom on the bed rest.
“The Congress must be more affordable to regular people,” Pettersen said. “I was not really able to fly from Colorado to DC to vote a few weeks before giving birth due to medical limitations.”
Luna had a similar experience.
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Tail. Anna Paulina Luna brings remarks as an envoy Matt Rosendale applauds in the home chamber during the third day of the choice for the speaker of the house in the US Capitol building, January 5, 2023. In Washington, DC (Win McNamee/Getty Images)
“I was trying to figure out what the procedure for the members who would be born. And to my disappointment I was surprised. I was told I couldn’t vote,” Luna said. “This place is completely out of contact with the average Americans.”
So, Luna joined with a pettersene to produce a resolution that made it possible for future mothers, those who had just gave birth, and even spouses of new mothers, a quarterly window under which remote votes.
“It’s the first step forward in the right direction that they not only give mothers a place at the table, but also to encourage people to have families,” Luna said. “It’s pretty hard to get anywhere after eight months.”
There is a cumbersome parliamentary maneuver that dissatisfied house members can use to try the end guidance if the speaker does not want to put his pets on the floor. It’s called “Petition to release.” The release petition requires a solid 218 signature – regardless of membership in the body at that moment – to force the house to consider your question.
Petitions to release are rarely successful.
Sunrise Light hits the US Capitol Dome on Thursday, January 2, 2025, as the 119th Congress was supposed to start. (Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)
In 2002, the home successfully adopted a plea to release for the significant funding law of the “McCain-Feingold” campaign.
The second application was not successful until there was a two -party plan for the re -approval of the export bank in 2015.
But the release requests have recently encouraged. The house only adopted two last year. One was a package about a tax relief from a natural disaster. Members also made a plea as a release request to suppress the reduction of social security payment to the elderly. But in the past quarter of a century, only four petitions have collected the necessary signatures to force the action in the home.
The remote request to release the vote of Luna and Pettersen collected enough signatures last week. This will stimulate the house to consider the Proxy Plan for moms and parents – unless Mike Johnson’s house speakerR-la., Can convince the sponsors to call things back.
Johnson opposes a remote vote.
“I’m afraid the whole thing is unconstitutional.” So, I tried to talk to Anna, and she’s pretty stubborn about that, “Johnson said.
Ambassador Jim McGovern, D-Mass., He is a top Democrat on the Committee on Home Rules. He argued that the GOP’s return to the vote of the mediator “crazy” during the pandemic, but then McGovern called Johnson.
Mike Johnson’s house speaker. (Kent Nishimura/Getty Images)
“Speaker Johnson voted 39 times,” McGovern said.
Ambassador Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., He said he opposed Proxy vote for the potential for members to take advantage of the option.
“The members have abused the practice during a man. They used to go to collection. They used to go on vacation,” Burchett said. “But you can’t fake pregnancy.”
What Luna and Pettersen actually built was a request for release for the “rule”. The “rule” is a parliamentary mechanism for a home to put an account or resolution on the floor. The remote plan of voting would release the “rule” by allowing home to consider the luna/pettersen resolution.
Any member who has signed a petition for release can try to call it as early as March 27. The group brass brass can postpone it on the floor up to 31 March 31 or April 1. Then the home would vote for the release of “Proxy Voting Rules.
If The house voted To put a “rule” for remote voting on the floor, it can actually discuss and vote on the change itself. But the GOP leadership for the house could also delay this step in a few days, maybe until the 7th or 8th of April.
American speaker Mike Johnson is shown in front of the US capitol. (Getty Images/AP)
Fox was told that Johnson could prepare a special rule of the Rules Committee to prevent the Luna/Pettersen Plan. According to home rules, this plan could be made by the Proxy voting plan only in the second or fourth Monday of the month, but this approach is unpleasant at best.
The house should be at the session on the second Monday of the month, April 14, but meets on Monday, April 28. So, it is possible that the planar could throw it out by then.
Fox has also been said that Republican leaders of the house may want to shake the band immediately. This could encourage immediate action on the plan when the house returns next week.
Keep in mind that signing a discharge petition only allows it to come to the floor. Cohort of 218 members who have signed the application for release are not mandatory votes for any of these procedural steps. They are also not required to vote for real change, allowing remote voting.
Because of this, there could be a lot of hands behind the scenes that do not want the house to adopt this plan.
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Regardless, when the home considers any of these machinations, members will have to vote in person in the chamber. At least for now.
Ninety percent of success in life is yet to appear. But new parents who double their home members can claim that he has replaced the success at the domestic front.