Columbia University brings changes in policy while threatening to Trump’s administration Trump

Under the threat of Trump’s administration, Columbia University agreed on Friday a number of policies changes, including overhaul of rules for protests and implementing the immediate review of its Middle East Department.
Changes, described in detail in a letter sent by the temporary president of the New York City University, Katrina Armstrong, followed a week after Trump’s administration ordered the Ivy League school to bring these other reforms or lose all funding, ultimatum, which was widespread as an attack on academic freedom.
In her letter, Armstrong said that the University would immediately appoint a senior Vice -President who would conduct a thorough overview of the portfolio of his regional studies, “starting with the Middle East”.
Columbia will also renovate its longtime disciplinary process and protests in academic buildings. Students will not be allowed to wear face masks on the campus “for the purpose of concealing one’s identity.” The exception would be made for people who carry them for health reasons.
In an effort to expand “intellectual diversity” at the University, Columbia will also appoint new members of the Faculty at its Institute for Israel and the Jewish Studies Department. It will also adopt a new definition of anti -Semitism and expand programming at its Tel Aviv center, a research center based in Israel.
Policy changes were mainly in line with the demands at the University of Trump administration, which attracted $ 400 million in research grants and other federal funding, and threatened to reduce more during the procedures of the University of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza.
The University of Columbia University of Urljani is sorely called charges that he is an absurd ‘terrorist sympathizer’, speaking to CBC David Common, in her safety after immigration and customs implementation officials have appeared at her door.
The White House marked the protests of Antisemmitic, a mark rejected by those who participated in the demonstrations conducted by the student.
The message that seeks comment remained is a spokesman for the Department of Education.
As a “prerequisite” for financing renewal, federal officials have requested the university set up their department of close, southern Asia and African studios under “academic bankruptcy for at least five years”.
They also told the University to prohibit masks in the campus, adopt a new definition of anti -Semitism, abolish their current procedure for disciplining students and delivering a plan for “undergraduate reform, international employment and graduate practices”.
Historians described the command as an unprecedented incursion to university rights that the US Supreme Court treated as an extension of the first amendment.
On Friday, the proponents of freedom of speech immediately rejected Columbia’s decision to collect.
“A sad day for Columbia and for our democracy,” said Jameel Jaffer, director of the Institute for the First Amendment Knight at Columbia University, in a post on social media.