The ‘terrorist’ attack on the market in France leaves one dead
The man went to a sting in a small town in France on Saturday, killing one person and injuring a few more in what President Emmanuel Macron called “Islamist terrorist attack”.
“It was a terrorist attack, no doubt – Islamist terrorist attack,” he said, adding that the government was determined to “eradicate terrorism in our country.” Police said they were investigating a stab as a terrorist attack.
The man was targeting the market in Mulhouse, a city of about 70 miles south of Strasbourg, near French borders with Germany and Switzerland.
As he began his attack, the 37-year-old heard him shout, “Allah Akbar,” according to France antherorism. Arab phrase, which means “God is great”, is a daily expression used in religious and non -religious environments, but it also became a war cry In some terrorist attacks by Islamic fundamentalists.
The civilian -trying to stop the man was killed, police said. Three police officers were also injured in the attack, two of which are serious.
The man, who was arrested at the scene, was not identified by his name but was in the French list of terrorist views, said Nicolas Heitz, Prosecutor Mulhouse, said French media. Is registered on the list of people who control the potential radicalization that is by law are obliged to leave The French territory after the authorities rejected the application for residence or asylum, said Mr. Heitz.
“The horror has just shifted our city,” said Michèle Lutz, Mayor Mulhouse Ua Post on Facebook.