Standup Star likes to make comedies that mock people too obsessed with politics

Veteran Standup Strip Ari Shaffir wants his comedy to throw people out of their social media and partisan news so that they can once smell the roses.
The comic says the message is behind his latest Netflix, “American dear,“Is life much better than the news titles do.
“The world is much better than people give him merit. Almost not everyone is racist. Almost not everyone is muffled. People are generally kind to each other and hold the open door for each other,” Shaffir said in an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital.
Famous Standup Strip Ari Shaffir speaks with Fox News Digital about his new Netflix Special, “American’s Sweetheart”, as well as his frustration with people who are also worried about American politics. (Gabriel Hays/Fox News Digital)
Comedian, who has been standing in a comedy fixture of the 2000s, told Fox that he had recorded the “American Draga” in Washington, DC, last year before the controversial presidential elections, only to cherish the obsession of countries with policies and partisan news titles in the city that They succeed most.
“And I decided DC because I wanted to take it, like, going out of politics, everything is good,” he said. “My message was – when it was Biden, when he was everything – and I,” Biden realized you that the father in a pretty good mental form and Trump forced women to gather. “
“Like, these are good things,” Shaffir collapsed.
The latest special comic book was built to find a bright side of questions that many Americans consider to be very controversial or completely offensive. “Let me show you how to find joy in each of these topics,” he told Fox News.
In one long parts of your set, comedian They practically transferred the crowd and America as a whole because of the cancellation of famous artists and their cultural contributions, all because they said things that were considered offensive at one point in their careers.
Made an anger over the rapper Anti -Semitic Statements Kanye Westoccupying a position that his insensitive remarks should not cover up the music of the rapper from the public point of view.
“So, I had this about Kanye West and how did everyone say he was an antisemite, and I was like,” Do we mention music? Do we just ignore his music? “It’s crazy because he’s one of the best ever, and we ignore an incredible part of the world that focused on the tweets of some crazy artists.
Shaffir, who grew up as an Orthodox Jew, added, “It’s crazy. It’s crazy.”
The last special Shaffir fell on Netflix last month. (Ari Shaffir)
He asked the question about the “Pirates of the Caribbean” star Johnny Depp, whose dirty laundry was aired in a very public trial for defamation in 2022 against ex -wife, Amber Heard, who accused him of abuse.
“It’s like looking at Johnny Depp’s love life. We did it because of that,” Shaffir remarked. “What am I concerned about his love life? Become a pirate. That’s all I want to see. Be pirate and make me believe in it. You’re great at that.”
Shaffir told Fox that his entire approach with “American dear” to say that “the world is much better than your industry gives us, he has merit,” referring to the media.
“It’s actually amazing and everything you see when you see the news is how awful it is and how the sky falls, and then you actually go out outside and everyone is actually nice to each other and kind.”
Of course, Shaffir, who happily admits that his special “degenerated, dirty” and “dirty” is also leading this bright side to the absurd level just to see how far he can go to laugh, even joke about tragedies.
The 50-year-old comic book is not foreign to push the envelope with his standup routine, saying Fox that it is a key part of his style.
“Like, Okay, I mean, I could make it easier for pieces that wouldn’t love to make people angry,” he said, adding, “But I really want a strenuous smiling. These are my favorite laugh, where where there is a risk of someone left: “F — You my father died.”
Comic book explained that the point of very offensive jokes “always get [people] To laugh. “Still, he said that” two or three went out to be angry – that’s really what you want. “
“If no one goes out, you haven’t found the line yet,” he continued. “For me, the things I like are just on that line where several people go furiously, and I’m like a good scrubbing.”
Ari Shaffir performs at the Bombard Theater on November 10, 2023 in Louisville, Kentucky. (Stephen J. Cohen / Associate)
Shaffir added that he likes to joke about questions that “people have worried too much”, and in recent times it is politics.
“I was like, what people worry about and worry too much? For me, it’s a politics for me. I saw everyone manages in politics. All my friends do it. I don’t give f —
Originally from Maryland, the comic mentioned that he developed his style of Standup after moving to Los Angeles after college. He started as a screenwriter in Hollywood, but that career slowly gave her love for Standup.
“But then, as soon as I arrived in La, it was as if the script had just faded. I just fell in love with the stage, risked, Shaffir said. He described his wild early days by teaching ropes in Western Hollywood now known”Comedy store“Sometimes it makes a play ahead of anyone.
Referring to them as “dark years,” Shaffir said, “It was evil. We were like crazy things. We had like a dice rings of the back. People would merge into the back. It was like crazy things would happen there – The use of drugs and just like – it was great.
“Every two weeks we would have a show in which only – there was no show, because no one showed up,” he recalled. “So, that’s why we’re just used to failure.”
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Shaffir works Standup Set 2007. (Michael S. Schwartz / associate)
Shaffir said that he worked in Los Angeles in Los Angeles, 10 to 12 years before “just got sick from the city, noting that” he was too familiar with the streets “and that he was” too segregated “.
He also said it was “harder to break through, in La” compared to other large cities of comedy in the US -“that’s so disgusting,” he explained. “Open microphones, the low-level things are so with ——. It is with ——– almost all of my funny friends, like, have failed. There is no positive feedback. It’s just awful. “
He attributed his success in the city “good luck”.
Shaffir has thrown out La for New York City – where he currently lives – saying that it is “great” and is advisable to live and make comedies in Los Angeles.
“The scene has been the best-long shooting so far,” he said, although he still expressed his gratitude for his former home, stating, “La is still a great comedy scene. I don’t want to like it- on it.”
The comic also talked to Fox News Digital about his multiple pods and commented on how long -shaped media He changed the landscape of comedy in modern times.
Shaffir has hosted several podcasts in recent years, including one called “Skeptic Tank” and the other called “Be Trippin”, where he talks with famous guests about some of their favorite travel stories.
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Shaffir hosts several podcasts, including “skeptic tank” and that thematic on travel, entitled “Be Trippin”. (Monica Schipper / associate)
He mentioned that Podcasting is so freer than traditional comedy media, such as network shows of late nights. Shaffir recalled that actor Rob Lowe was in his Podcast studio who admired the freedom they had produced by the episode.
“He is here and tells about it: ‘Oh, this is much better than The Tonight Show. ‘I was like,’ What do you mean? ‘ He goes, ‘That’s 12 minutes. You won’t really say what you want to say. Here, you really have to come in in fact. “”
Expressing his own opinion, the comic continued, “Long form is only useful. We have no rules. You know?”
“But yes, these pods give you such freedom. No one says,” Don’t book that guy, “Shaffir said, speaking of new media.
He added, “So, that’s the case. You can do everything you want. It’s nice freedom, to be like,” We don’t have to talk about anything, what we can’t talk about. ‘YouTube will give you some rules like, using certain words, but then you can do it if you want.
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Shaffir started doing a standup comedy in Los Angeles after graduating from college. (Rick Kern / associate)
Shaffir said that the extraction of people from their usual “routine” and that they talk to them freely when “you get the right gold.”
His own desire for freedom and do things under his own conditions is why the comic is currently planning to rest from Standup and travel the world next year or so, even if he is against the advice of his agents.
“I’m a big guy for freedom and I’m not like a libertarian way – but more like, let me do what I want to do. So, like, I just sold two specials Netflix, and then, like, I plan on traveling the world for a year,” he said. “And my agents – you know, my Jews – are like,” What are you doing? You will be launch soon. “And I’m like, because I already planned it.” “
“I want my freedom and I want to go to see the world,” he said, saying Fox to plan to explore some of the most exotic sites of the world during the coming trip.
“Machu Picchu may be really cool,” he said, mentioning the ancient ruins of the inkan in South America mountains, though he said, “I don’t really plan everything, I’ll just let got there. “
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Shaffir is currently on his “Goodbye Tour” in the United States, which he says is his page “last chance” to see the comic before traveling abroad. His special “American dear”, as well as his special “Jew” in 2022, were now flowing on Netflix.