America scouts officially change the name to be “including”

Nine months after announcing a name change, comes, The boys of the reconnaissance of America (BSA) officially changed its name on Saturday in an attempt to “meet the evolutionary need of young people.”
The organization accepted the new name on the 115th anniversary, scouting America, “marking the key moment on the organization’s journey,” the statement published on Saturday said.
The change comes after a recent change in policy in 2018, allowing girls to join the program. The organization began to allow gay youth in 2013, and in 2015 it ended with a ban on blankets for gay adult leaders.
The boy’s scouts changed their name to America’s reconnaissance. (Tony Gutierrez/Associated Press)
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President and Executive Director Roger Kronne said Associated Press that there was a “return blow”, but said there was a small sign of membership after he announced his rebranding in May.
“The fact that we went with a greater kind gender neutral nameMany people somehow wanted to know more about it, “Krone told AP.
More than 15,000 scouts joined, AP reported, bringing more than one million membership.
Scout boys represent colors during the national anthem before the NFL game, October 31, 2021, in Houston. (Bob Levey/Getty Images)
As nation The main program of young people, scouting America said that it provides children with the possibilities of focusing on the development of characters, leadership, fun and outdoor research.
Adaptation will “ensure that future generations have the opportunity to benefit from this transformative program,” the statement said.
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As the name changed, An organization based in Texas He said that his mission remained the same centuries: to prepare young people to make ethical and moral decisions during his life, perfecting the values of the oath and the law of the scouts.
“Whether it’s camping, a car race in a pirewood derby or hiking in the course, every adventure encourages personal growth by teaching young people to set goals and achieve them with determination,” spokesmen wrote in a statement. “As we look at the future, the reconnaissance of America is dedicated to providing young values of values, skills and experiences they need to progress in a quickly change world.”
Roger Krone, President and Executive Director of Scouts from America, at the headquarters of an organization in Irving in Texas (Associated Press)
The organization website contains its new name, but the social media accounts still have traditional handles.
“The reconnaissance of America has helped to instill timeless value for several generations of Americans,” Cron wrote in a statement. “In the increasingly complex and interconnected worldThe values and skills that scout the reconnaissance are more critical than ever, and the need for a strong character, ethical decision -making and effective guidance remains the most important. “
Krone added that he confirms his commitment to providing a “safe and support to the environment” in which young people can develop essential qualities.
Scout uniform hangs in a store at Marin of the Boy Scouts of America on July 27, 2015 in San Rafael, California. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
“The scouting America remained dedicated to providing young people with a safe environment where they can learn meaningful life skills, create lifelong memories and grow into tomorrow’s leaders,” the organization wrote in a statement. “In fact, more than 130 million Americans have passed through the reconnaissance programs of America since our founding in 1910.”
Fox News Digital reported earlier that rebranding followed after a significant member of membership during Covid-19 pandemic.
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The court order also follows to pay a settlement in the amount of $ 2.46 billion that included about 82,000 former scouts who claimed to be Sexually abused by officials and volunteers BSA.
The submission of a bankruptcy request allowed the organization to continue operating.
Michael Dorgan and Associated Press Fox News Digital contributed to this report.