
2.14 Friday Faves (and happy valentine’s day)

Hi friends! Happy Friday and good luck Valentine’s Day! What are your plans?

We have a nice dinner with our two little Valentine’s Day, and the rest of the weekend we have a bride, a fun charity event and several basketball games P -A. Next week is Rodeo Break, the kids are out of school, and I can’t wait. I also work my way through my IHP3 certificate and love it.

To be honest, I have been a bit of a function since the New Year. I was so motivated and excited behind the scenes, especially because my new program was launched in a few weeks (!), But here it was wild with birthdays, travel and straight in the pension ceremony. These were all fun things, but I’m still trying to find my slot. We’ll get there 😉

With my valentine … and his valentine:

Of course, I can’t celebrate Valentine’s Day without thinking about Belli. I know she sent Maisey just for us, but I still miss it as crazy, and we still tell her almost every day.

Best Gift for Valentine’s Day so many years ago.

It’s time for week Friday Faves Party! Here I share some of my favorite findings from a week and around the internet. I always like to hear about your fave, so shout something you love in the commentary section below.

2.14 Friday Faves

Fashion + Beauty + by accident:

New shoe goofin. I got these beauties in Nordstra Stalk And Loo’s. Dolce Vita currently makes my favorite apartments.

This dress from Tuckernack! I took it as part of their sales shopping. It’s a nice thick fabric and has pockets 🙂 It’s sold out, but but This one is quite similar.

Obsessed with skin olive roses + skin care + in one. It is light, breathable, it seems amazing to me, and you can put it together for additional coverage.

Read, watch, listen:

Still obsessed with show Younger. She is light and witty and fun – the perfect way to get up as I walk the walking pad.

Why can’t we endure boring.

Wearing for all denium shirts.

How to forgive that earlier version of you.

This book was magical and preoccupied.

Fitness, health and good dishes:

How to stay in shape as a busy parent.

We had zero zucchini all summer and fall, but now that we are in the winter, again is the season of giant zucchini!

This year’s thermogrpahy scan is done! View my experience with thermography here. (You can see CGM I wear in the picture)

Taco meal for a friend:

Crockpot chicken bowls with yellow rice and cilantro pesto.

Healthy Hamburger Assistant.

Thank you very much for stopping on the blog today! It’s an amazing weekend soon and I’ll see you soon!



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