
TV leader ‘Dr. Phil ‘shoots while Ice targets migrants in Chicago writes Reuters

From Sarah N. Lynch

Washington (Reuters) – TV presenter known as “Dr. Phil” was involved in US immigration officers during surgery in Chicago on Sunday, defending the efforts of President Donald Trump for deportation while suffocation was approaching the end of the first week.

Phil McGraw, known as “Dr. Phil” on the American television series of the same name, followed the US immigration and customs services (ICE) and other federal agents during the action, familiar with the account and two sources familiar with matter.

McGraw, who spoke at the Trump campaign event in October, said in the announcement on Sunday that Ice intended to choose 270 “valuable targets”, indicating that it was a targeted surgery and defended access.

“They don’t clean the neighborhoods as people try to imply,” he said.

Trump, a Republican, has taken steps to launch an extensive surge of immigration after taking his post on January 20, sending American troops to the border and authorizing immigration agents to pick up more people who are not criminals. Trump’s administration was replaced last week by law agents with several Ministry of Justice Agency to implement immigration implementation as an addition of ICE efforts.

The agents of the Alcohol, Fire Weapons and Explosives (ATF), drug suppression administration (DEA) and US Marshals Service were given powers, Trump said the administration last week.

In addition to Dr. Phil, the acting deputy Attorney General Emil Bove has announced his journey to watch the DOJ agent supporting the implementation of immigration measures.

“This morning, I had a privilege to observe the brave men and women from the department as they step into a step with DHS to address the crisis situations that arose four years of unsuccessful immigration policy,” Bove said in a statement, adding that there were replacement agencies, The FBI and the Federal Prosecutors will work on it.

Senior officials of the Ministry of Justice are usually not present to observe the real -time law enforcement operations, current and former Ministry officials say.

The Ministry of Justice’s officer said that the first arrest in Chicago, which Bove noticed, included an immigrant who lived illegally in the US who “killed a 19-year-old woman while driving under the influence.”

The American Immigration and Customs Service (ICE), which is part of the DHS, said that she had joined the UJ for a “improved target surgery” in Chicago on Sunday with the aim of preserving public security but did not provide additional details.

The Democratic Mayor of Chicago Brandon Johnson did not immediately respond to the request for comment.

Ice performed 538 arrests across the country on Thursday, said the spokeswoman of the White House of Caroline Leavitt, signaling an increase compared to the average of previous years.

The agency’s daily average of arrest was 311 in the fiscal year 2024 and 467 in the fiscal year 2023.

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