California ‘Lawfare’ case against Pro-Lifera first brought in Kamala Harris ends after nine years

California authorities on Tuesday announced The end of their almost decades’ criminal persecution of an independent journalist and an anti -abortion activist who secretly recorded videos showing the planned parenting, which allegedly sell the aborted fetal tissue.
The couple in the center of legal struggle, founder of the David David David David Center and journalist Sandra Merritt, agreed to the “Wide -free” Agreement on the confession of the guilt, which resulted in financial sentences or prison sentences. California prosecutors chased at one point 15 offenses In the case of Daleiden, he said that “law” was politically motivated.
“My case is the first and only one who has ever criminally accused the Attorney General’s Office, and because of the request of the planned parenting of covering up information on these videos on how to use partial abortions in birth, sell the baby late abolished Body parts In their taxpayers, they funded mega clinics across the country of California and across the country, “Daleiden told Fox News Digital in an interview on Tuesday.
“I’m not an expert, but I definitely think the elections have something to do with it,” Daleiden said when asked why he thought the prosecutors had rejected charges all these years later. Daleiden called the litigation “law” in the post on X.
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The founder of the Center for Medical Progress, David Daleiden and journalist Pro-Life Sandra Merritt, on Monday fell a case in California without prison or fine. The couple secretly recorded videos showing a planned parenting that allegedly sells the aborted fetal tissue. (Getty Images)
In a Statement specified Fox News Digital, State Attorney California Rob Bonta said: “While Trump’s administration issues pardoning individuals convicted of damage to the clinics for reproductive health and providers my office provides criminal judgments to ensure that Californians may exercise their constitutional rights for reproductive health care .
“We will not hesitate to continue to act against those who threaten the approach to abortion – either to recording confidential conversations or other funds,” he said.
Daleiden and Merrritt’s Agreement on Recognition of Guilt does not require any contact with the victims, without public identification and respect for all laws, including restrictions on the recording, according to the Bontana Office.
“[T]The whole case was his exercise in a grotesquely political weapon of the Government. ” – David David David David activist
Like the then California, the Attorney General, Kamala Harris He launched an investigation into the Daleiden Center for Medical Progress, focusing on the legality of their secret methods and the narrow application of the State Law on Eavesdropping after the announcement of the secret recording. In 2016, a large jury in Texas accused Daleiden and Merritta of criminal offenses related to creating false ID cards and offering for the purchase of fetus tissue. These accusations, however, were later dismissed.
In April 2016, under the then AG Harris, California authorities Break Daleiden’s home For evidence, encouraging questions about her relationship with the planned parenting, which donated her campaigns and many other democrats.
Harris was elected to the US Senate months later and resigned as the Attorney General in January 2017.
In 2017, California prosecutors under Harris’s successor Xavier Becerra accused Daleidena and Merritt of 15 criminal offenses, including criminal conspiracy and invasion of privacy, for recording individuals without consent.
“This case has been evilly persecuted for nine years, because it was a priority for nationally planned parenting,” Daleiden said. “But ultimately, it is a completely armed political persecution. They are completely wrong about the facts and the Law on Secret Video Reporting in California, all the conversations recorded by me and my team were in public areas where other people could be heard. “
“For the California Office of the State Attorney to come this far after nine years, and the basis left with anything … it just shows that this whole case was an exercise in the Government’s Groteskno Political Weapon.”
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Planned parenting sends a DNC bus. (Getty Images)
When the recordings were released, the planned parenting, strictly donates samples, charging only for transportation and storage costs.
Some of the videos were recorded in 2015 during the meetings between Daleiden’s operatives, who represented representatives of the company to procure fetal tissue and various employees of planned parenting. The published shots posted on the network showed conversations that seemed to negotiate planned parental and executives about the fetal tissue prices and discuss procedures under the obtaining table.
Merritt was involved in a secret surgery as one of the key figures behind the release of the recording along with Daleiden.
“Sandra Merritt did nothing wrong,” Merrrit’s lawyers said on Monday at the Liberty Counsel law firm. “She did the correct thing by exposing the corruption abortion industry. “
According to the 2015 Guardian report, the planned parenting ceased to accept compensation for its tissue fetal donation program after state and federal probes after Daleiden’s secret videos.
Previous North Dakota restrictions on abortion challenged in court what was previously a state abortion clinic. The picture is a abortion clinic in Idah. (Darin Oswald/Idaho Statesman/Tribune News Service via Getty Images)
President Donald Trump He signed an executive order on Friday, “to end the use of federal dollars of taxpayers to finance or promote election abortion,” strengthening Amendment Hyde. As a result, organizations such as planned parenting, which provide abortion services, can face the challenges of financing, depending on how the organization receives funds for electoral abortions.
According to a blog blog According to the Fund for the Political Action of the Organization, “60% of patients with planned parenting relies on public health programs such as Medicaid and the title of X.”
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Fox News Digital addressed Harris and planned parenting for comment.