Coast Guard detained Mexican fishermen with over 1,600 pounds illegally caught fish

The US Coast Guard arrested 11 Mexican fishermen in federal waters South Texaswhile seizing approximately 1,600 pounds illegally caught by red Snapper and nine sharks.
Last Thursday, Coast South Padre, along with several other coastal guards departments and the American customs and border protection (CBP) is located and stopped four boats, or Lanchas, near the Texas coast, which were in the federal waters, north of the naval border line.
Lanchas, the Coast Guard said, are lean fishing ships used by Mexican fisheries that are about 20 to 30 feet long and are equipped with an outboard engine and capable of traveling over 30 mph.
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Courts of ships on the island of South Padre, coordination with the Coast Guard sector, Corpus Christi Stans Watch, Aircrew Corpus Aircrew Air Station Corpus and Coast Guard Coast Donald Horsley, housed and stopped a total of 11 Mexican fishermen who dealt with illegal fishermen outside the textile fishing. February. (Photo by American Coast Guard, Kind Station South Island Padre)
Often Lanchas are used to transport illegal narcotics to the United States but also for illegal fishing in the US exclusive economic zone nearby Now and Mexico limit In the American Bay.
When the Coast Guard crews met with the Lanchas in the federal waters, they found that there were about 1,600 pounds of red shooting on boats on ships, as well as nine sharks.
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The Coast Guard intertwined three Lancha, detained 11 Mexican fishermen and seized nearly 1,600 pounds illegally captured by red Snapper and nine sharks in federal waters outside the southern Texas. (Photo by American Coast Guard, Kind Station South Island Padre)
The fish are seized together with fishing equipment and high ships, which are used to mark the beginning and at the end of long fishing lines.
The authorities also took all 11 fishermen in custody and transferred them to CPB officials for further processing.
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“Our crews will not be withdrawn from the effort to end illegal fishing and trade in the valuable natural resources on the maritime border. We are still dedicated to the implementation of the law of this nation,” said Lieutenant Shane Gunderson, Commander of the Station South Padre Island. “Regardless of the southern border or along the naval border line in the US Gulf, the coastal guard will discover, distract and intertwine the illegal activity that threatens the sovereignty of our country and territorial integrity.”