
Why yoga and meditation belong together

As the practice of mind and body, yoga and meditation provide many advantages. However, if you practice one without the other, you may not get the most out of any habit. You can actually improve your experience both on the rug and on your pillow By combining the two.

Here’s how meditation can deepen your relationship with yoga practice and vice versa.

Why should you practice yoga and meditation together?

Meditation and yoga work together synergistically to use each other. Some types of yoga including Kundalini yoga and certain forms Hatha yogaalready involve meditation in practice.

“In yoga meditation is all,” he says Sam Rudra Swartza certified meditation teacher and Hatha yoga instructor. “Poses prepare the body, breathing practices help in the preparation of the mind, and then spend this time alone with your own [thoughts] Where you put an effort to concentrate on exactly one thing, “Whether it’s your breath and mantraor sensations in your body.

In addition, physical practice of yoga can help you Be more careful in his meditations. “The consistent practice of Hatha yoga is important that it could sit in a high, upright, awake pose that will facilitate this concentration for meditation,” Swartz says.

Yoga is also focused on breath through pranaWhat are breathing techniques that keep you calm and focused. With consistent meditation practice, you prepare your body and mind for this breath work during yoga pods and build focus and concentration through each flow.

Exercise these exercises enough and you may start to notice their effects and in your daily life.

“We have been taught that yoga is all about a calm and focused mind, so everything you do throughout the day is meditation,” Swartz says. “Your whole day can be part of your practice.”

Do you meditate before or after yoga?

“There is no unwavering rule whether you exercise one or the other first,” Swartz says. However, traditionally, the practice of yoga supports meditation practice. In the authoritative text, Yoga SutraPhysical practice (asana) should be stable and comfortable, prepare for longer, sitting meditation.

Still, Swartz says it’s okay to be flexible about what you do first. Some meditations are best functioning First in the morning When life is calm and the sun rises. “If you are an early ascent and want to match with deeper traditions of spiritual practice, meditate as soon as possible,” he says, then make a a Gentle practice.

Later during the day you might want to flow before you sit down. “If your practice is quite rigorous, you would like to finish your physical practice with at least a few minutes deep relaxation and meditation,” he says.

What are the benefits of yoga and meditation?

Yoga and meditation have numerous documented and explored advantages, many of which overlap. Whether you deal with one or the other, your mind and body thanks to you for adopting these ancient practices for your modern life.

The benefits of yoga

The benefits of meditation

  • Meditation may increase your well -being and offer Additional benefits For his mind, such as helping to raise mood and facilitate stress.
  • Researchers now know that meditation can change your brain structure and thus help it be healthy. Data from Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences It suggests that meditation could help preserve gray and white substances in the brain, which can help slow down decrease in both.

Ready to gain all the benefits of meditation and yoga? Starts with Yoga52 or Beachbody yoga studiowho have classes and programs for all goals and skills levels.

Combine one class per week with meditation. If you are new in practice, the bodies contain programs of guided meditation in Sound meditation or To grow which move in 10 to 45 minutes in length.

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