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‘Inch by Inch’: Myanmar rebels close in a key military base in Chin | Military news

The city of Falam, the State of Chin -In the mountains of West Mjanmar, photographs of fallen fighters on the wall of the rebel seat-about 80 young men, starting with 28-year-old Salai Cung Naw Piang, who was killed in May 2021.

A true tribute to the national defense of the Dam (CNDF) extends beyond this hall and grows as a war against military grinding of mjanmar in the state of Chin – the Christian region of the earth borders with India Where ethnic fighters of beards expel the army from most of their territories.

“Even if they do not surrender, we will go by the end, an inch to an inch,” CNDF Vice President Peter Thang told Al Jazeera in a recent interview.

Started in mid-November, Chin offensives to shoot the city of Fale-in a whole “Jerusalem mission”-it came to a great deal of expenses. About 50 cndf of Allied fighters were killed in the first six weeks, some were buried alive after direct air strikes by the jet fighters of the Myanmar military regime on the earth bunkers, said Thang.

Thang estimated similar victims among the Mijar military military and more than 100 government soldiers trapped in a continuous operation.

Formed civilians to fight the army after 2021 coup In Mjanmar, CNDF surrounded the last garrison regime at a hill base in Falam.

“We are facing difficult time,” Thang admitted.

“If God is willing to surrender the enemy, we will take it,” he said about the mission of Jerusalem’s ultimate goal.

Taking the former Falam -Chin capital, the first district center trapped by new rebel forces in the country without the support of an ethnic army, said Thang, who led a passenger agency in the Mjanmar commercial capital Yangon before a state blow.

“We have more challenges than others,” he said.

“The army has so many technologies. We have a limited weapon, and even some of them cannot manage,” he added.

Peter Thang, Vice President of Chin National Defense Force (CNDF), sits in front of the CNDF flag during an interview in the village on the front line in Falam, Chin, Mjanmar, in January 2025. [Valeria Mongelli/Al Jazeera]

Extensive hill base

With CNDF supported by fighters from 15 newly formed armed groups, including from the Myanmar Ethnic Bamar majority, about 600 rebels surrounded Falam and approximately 120 government soldiers who, closed on their base on the hill, depended on the stocks that Helicopter had cast on their survival.

Unlike established ethnic armies that are struggling to receive more territories for themselves, the rebel forces massaged in the state of Chin said they aim to completely overthrow the Mijar military regime.

While CNDF and allies in the Fraternity Coalition (CB) achieved previous victories against the army with the help of powerful Army Arakan (AA) south in RakhinaIndependently seized Falam, it would represent a new phase in the revolution of the mjanmar.

But the biggest challenge in the battle of the army is left.

Operations against the Hilltop base in Falam are triggered by bombing from military Russian and Chinese fighter jets, along with rocket shells, artillery, sniper and machine firefighters defending outpost.

The fighter of the national defense of the beard indicates the base of the Mjanmar Army hill in Falam, the State of Chin, Mjanmar [Valeria Mongelli/Al Jazeera]

CNDF commanders said the surrounded soldiers once spoke to the locals once freely, and some even married local women. But all this has changed when myjmar security forces shot peaceful protesters demonstrating against the army of the expulsion of the elected Government of Aung San Suu Kyi 2021.

The demonstrators returned, and an uprising was born that became imbued with blood and lora of many martyrs.

My Thwe Khaing, a 19-year-old protester, was The first victim – He shot in the head by the police on February 9, 2021 in the country’s capital, Naypyidaw.

In April 2021, armed with hunting rifles, the beard launched The first significant battle Minmar’s uprising in the town of Mind, which has been released since then.

Now the rebels are equipped with assault rifles and grenade launches. They control most of the villages and several cities, but they remain surpassed because the army was included in urban centers. They do not manage to trigger ground offensives from their exhausted rows, Generals of the regime have turned into a forced recruitment and non -select air attacks across the country.

According to the Rights Group, Association for Assistance to Political Prisoners, the army was killed at least 6.353 civilians From a coup. With at least 3.5 million people According to the United Nations, exiled in the country, observers also predict even fierce fighting this year.

The CNDF fighter stands near the ruins of the Christian church bombed by the Mjanmar military jet in Falam, the State of Chin, Mjanmar [Valeria Mongelli/Al Jazeera]

‘Some died, others ran in all directions’

In Falam, the Minister of Defense CNDF Olivia Thawng Luai said that spouses live with some of the soldiers in surrounded by Hilltop retention.

“Most soldiers want to leave their base, but they are under the control of the commander,” said Olivia Thawng Luai, a former national champion of Karate. “They are not allowed to leave the base or use their phones,” she said.

Another higher CNDF character, Timmy Htut, said that the commander in the besieged base still has his own phone – and the rebels regularly call his number.

“He’ll pick up one day,” he said. “When he’s ready.”

The attempts of the army to send reinforcements in Falam failed. Helicopters, faced with the shooting leaves, rejected recruit recruits in the air on Falam’s outskirts, ordering them to fight in the city. No one succeeded.

Olivia Thawng Luai, Minister of Defense CNDF, on the front line in Falam City [Valeria Mongelli/Al Jazeera]

The captured soldier said his unit was inserted without a plan, and under a strong fire and persecuted by the resistance fighter, they scattered into chaos.

“Some died, others ran in all directions,” said Al Jazeera soldier.

“The seat said I couldn’t lose my jet species for just a few of us,” he said. The army, he continued, lost “many skilled, valuable” soldiers since the coup.

“They gave their lives for nothing,” he said.

“In the end, the military leaders will offer peace negotiations and will probably be a democracy.”

Among the people who are displaced by the fight in Falam and who are forced to remove themselves under bridges and tarpaulins, a new generation is preparing to fight.

Junior, 15 years old, who has been helping at a camp at Chin Hospital, spoke from a air attack in his ears from Jets that dropped bombs.

“I’ll do everything I can,” Junior said. “There is no way to learn to study in Mjanmar. I don’t want future generations to face it,” she said.

Junior, 15, sitting left, which helps at a hospital camp, sits in a bomb shelter while Mijar’s military jet flies across the city of Fale [Valeria Mongelli/Al Jazeera]

‘None of you would be alive’

But the resistance of the chin also struggles with the inner division. He split into two fractions: one led by Chin National Front (CNF), founded in 1988, together with his allies, and the other, the Chin fraternity, which consists of six resistance groups after COUP, including CNDF.

Their dispute focuses on who forms Chin’s future-CNF that favors the management structure on the dialect, CB prefers cities management. This difference between language and land determines the distribution of power and, together with tribal rivalries and traditional distrust, has led to occasional violent conflicts between the beard groups.

Mjanmar analyst R Lakher described the division as “serious”, although the efforts to mediate in Mizerm from northeast India show progress.

On February 26, two rival fractures announced that it would be connected to the formation of Chin National Council, with the aim of uniting various armed groups under one military leadership and administration.

While welcomed development, Lakher emphasized that the procedure must be “very systematic” and include key political leaders on both sides, not just advocacy groups.

“The civilians suffered the most,” he said. “Despite the release, some cannot return home because of this internal conflict.”

The trapping of the family would be “significant,” he said, because the nearby Tedim city will then present a lighter target, potentially releasing more territories for CB and strengthening their negotiating position in CNF coalition.

Lakher estimated more than 70 percent of the Chin state.

“We saw that Hunt was defeated through Mijar,” he said. “But pro-democratic forces need unity.”

Said the allegation was on National government – described as the Mjanmar Government of the shadows – “connect all the democratic forces.”

“With so many armed groups, there is concern that they will fight each other without a strong leadership,” he said. “Ethnic areas are released as the bamar countries remain under military control. The pace of the revolution now depends on the people of Bamara. “

Fighters stand near fresh graves of fallen nipples in Falam [Valeria Mongelli/Al Jazeera]

Along the road that led from the City of Falam, two trucks loaded with trapped regime, soldiers spent next to Chin bombed churches, mustard leaf gardens and mothers who clapped the babies under heavy scarves. As the trucks crossed the trails with resistance fighters moving forward, nervous prisoners of war claimed that they were forced into military service.

“Five months ago you were recruited,” a rebel fighter recovered with prisoners in a truck. “What did you do before? he asked. He then added, “We fought with the revolution.”

Another rebel joined the reprimand.

“Compete that you are happy to be trapped here,” he said, “not in the sharp central dry lands in the country, where the rebel units wander unverified.

“None of you would be alive there,” he added.

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