Kenny Omega shoots a warning shot at aew dynamite

Kenny Omega became a champion in Aew Revolution last Sunday. The cleaner has now addressed the one who can prove to be his opponent in this week’s episode of Aew Dynamite.
Kenny Omega opened a leading program on Wednesday night of all elite wrestlers from Fresno, California, to the audience at the Sava Marta Center this week. By grabbing the microphone, Omega referred to that he would once be happy enough to announce that he would compete again and how, because he did not only successfully return and gained a new ally to Will Osprey, but now He also won the single gold again.
Omega thanked his opponent of the 2025 Revolution, the waitress Takeshit, for encouraging him to perform at the highest levels and truly embody the work ethics in the ring, which marked the AEW International Championship. Wanted to face the best in a circle in a square, he stated that he would Watch out for an eliminator tournament This is recently published for the title, whose winner will face the best side machine for his belt in the Aew Dyasty 2025.
“Well, when our boss, when our fearless leader Tony Khan said he had the idea of designing a dynasty removal tournament, I thought,” Gee, Tony, it’s a great idea, because I want anyone to have this belt to be legitimately called the best on the planet. “So you best believe that I will carefully look after who wins [a shot at] This belt. It doesn’t matter what country you represent with, with what walks you represent, I want to face the best, “Omega said. [2:20 onwards]
On the way out, Omega faced OPPS, whose representative Katsuyori Shibata participated in the aforementioned international eliminator tournament. It remains to be seen whether the wrestler will face the so-called “God of Pro-Croatian” next month.
Edited by Argan Roy