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To prevent insomnia, the elderly adults should do this exercise, they are in study

Exercise has proven benefits in all areas of physical and mental health, and this includes sleeping quality.

One specific type of exercise – strength training – is associated with Prevention of insomnia In older adults, according to a new study.

Researchers analyzed data from 25 randomized trials that were measured by the effects of physical exercise on the sleeping quality index in Pittsburgh (PSQI), which is a questionnaire that evaluates the quality of the subjects of respondents over a monthly period.

Studies included 2,170 people who were 60 or more.

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Training -“Exercises that increase the muscular strength by working on weight or force and using anaerobic metabolism, such as weight lifting, curls on the hands, push-ups and resistance”-have the greatest positive effect on sleep, increasing sleep results by 5.75 points.

One specific type of exercise – strength training – is associated with the prevention of insomnia in the elderly adults, according to a new study. (East)

For comparison, aerobic (cardio) – such as running, running, cycling, dance, hiking, swimming, gardening and rushing – they improved sleeping results by 3.76 points.

Combined exercise (a mixture of aerobic, strengthening, balance and flexibility) has only increased results by 2.54 points.

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“Exercise that strengthens muscles, not aerobic or combined exercises is the most effective way to improve sleep quality,” the researchers concluded.

Sleeping quality has been shown to decline with age, the study noted.

Between 30% and 48% of the elderly complains of drowsiness, while 12% to 20% suffer from insomnia.

“Exercise that strengthens muscles, not aerobic or combined exercises is the most effective way to improve sleep quality.”

Lorna Kleidman, a certified personal trainer and founder of Lornafit in New York, agrees that strength training can improve sleep.

“I saw it firsthand with my mid -life clients, who had previously had problems with sleeping due to hormonal changes,” said Kleidman, who was not involved in the studio, for Fox News Digital.

Physical effort helps the body naturally strengthen, leading to a deeper, more resturative sleep, one expert said. (East)

“Resistance training improves insomnia as it helps to regulate a circadian rhythm, a sleep/waking cycle,” she continued. “Sleeping quality is improved by a decrease in Stress hormones and promoting the release of adenosine causing fatigue. “

Physical effort also helps the body naturally collapse, leading to a deeper, more resturative sleep, Kleidman added.

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Certified Personal Coach Regis Pagett, founder and owner of R Personal Fitness in New York, agreed that a 30-minute training for moderate intensity strength training can show improvement of sleep the same evening.

“Power training regularly requires your body to need a better vacation to recover,” said an expert, who was also not involved in the studio, he told Fox News Digital.

Between 30% and 48% of the elderly complains of drowsiness, while 12% to 20% suffer from insomnia. (East)

“It helps you to regulate your body temperature, better rest heartbeatAnd fall into a deeper sleep, faster. “

Improved sleeping quality, reduced daily drowsiness and lower seriousness of apnea during sleep, according to Pagett.

Recommendations for strength training

The American Heart Association recommends that adults weigh a minimum of two strength training a week.

“In order to maximize the benefits, I personally recommend that people are trying to involve training three to four times a week,” Pagett advised.

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Kleidman recommends completing squats, dead elevators, lungs, pressure, withdrawal and rotation, with two to three sets of all movements.

“Add a few minutes of HIIT (high-intensity interval training) and have a thorough power for power, Bone health And fat burning, “she said.

The American Heart Association recommends that adults weigh a minimum of two strength training a week. (East)

Power training becomes more important with age, and both experts agreed.

“Resistance training is the first thing Women should come up with When they plan their exercises, “Kleidman said.

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“It is necessary to maintain a muscle that we lose for the decline of estrogen, along with the maintenance of bone mass and retaining our metabolism.”

Men should also maintain muscles that can be lost with decreasing testosteroneAdded Kleidman.

“I also recommend eating an abundance of protein -oriented meals during the day, and the biggest entries come at breakfast and just after exercise,” said one expert. (East)

Pagett pointed out to previous studies that show that about 30% of adults over 70 have problems with walking, exiting a chair or climbing.

“These trends in physical limit are directly related to the higher rates of downs, chronic diseases, admission to the nursing home and mortality,” he said.

“Resistance training improves insomnia as it helps to regulate the circadian rhythm.”

Exercise time is also important, Pagett noted.

“In one to two hours after exercise, your body releases endorphins that give you an adrenaline blow that can increase your energy level, so I recommend that you try to exercise for at least three hours before you intend to sleep,” he advised.

National sleeping foundation recommends that adults get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. (East)

“I also recommend eating a lot Meals aimed at protein Throughout the day, with the biggest intakes that come at breakfast and just after exercise, “Pagett said.

“It helps to reduce pain and will help you recover.”

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National sleeping foundation recommends that adults get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night.

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