Newsom’s connection to a CCP under a microscope in a new book by exposing an alleged corruption

First on the fox: The new book that sounds an alarm about corruption in California consumes a chapter focusing on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s History with a non-profit organization that the authors say has served as the main “entrance” for corrupt corporations aligned with the CCP to flood into the country.
In his book “Fool’s Gold: Radicals, Artists and traitors who killed the California dream and now threatening us all”, by Jedd Mcfatter and Susan Crabtree write extensively about the relations between Newmov with the Chinese community in the Gulf area and its ties with CCP branches.
The book explains that Newsa has come to duty San Francisco’s Mayor in 2004 after receiving strong support from Chinese voters, enough to celebrate his victory in the Chinese district, and the authors write that he was ready to “go ahead with the interests of Chinatown” from the early point of his term.
One of these interests, according to Chapter 3, was an initiative of a non -profit organization that she launched a news called Chinasf, which the book claims to have served as access to CCP officials to use California.
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The new book asks questions about the bonds of California Government Gavin News with China. (Getty)
The book describes a trip to China, where Vincent Lo, a Chinese entrepreneur with a CCP, hosted him in Shanghai “Clubhouse”.
“During this meeting, News and LO have thrown out a long -term plan to turn San Francisco into a premiere Gateway through which Chinese companies could invest and expand their business in the United States,” the book said. “Upon returning from China, Star Gavin told his staff that he would set aside a few million dollars to establish a private public partnership called Chinasf, which will open up floods for Chinese money and work as never before. It turns out that the young mayor has not only blows smoke: three years later, Chinests and Louch.”
The book says that Chinasf influenced the Baya area, probably more than any other, “which created News as mayor and that the initiative withdrew almost $ 5.5 billion in economic influence on San Francisco from 2008 to 2018, while employing 108 Chinese companies.
The book states that during this time period Chinasf “helped several corrupt Chinese corporations to come to America.”
One of several companies discussed in the book was Suntech, a Chinese solar company developed by the CCP, which was personally recruited by News to the United States, and he publicly praised the company’s executive, Dr. Zhengrong Shi, repeatedly, and made him a member of the Chinasf Advisor.
In addition to the Green Energy’s companies that flowed through Chinasf, the real estate companies were also included, and the book states that News has received more than $ 23,000 anonymous contributions to the Chinese Z& L Real Estate Company, whose owner of the billionaire criminal convicted for bribing the government officer San Francisco.
Chapter 3, entitled “Dragon Feating”, is detailed in detail about different potential red flags on Newsom’s cinema, including Chinasf, which is used as “San Francisco’s construction tool at a global biotechnology and pharmaceutical science center.”
“Dozens of Chinese biotechnological companies have been attracted to the bay area with huge tax reliefs and other incentives, but there are very few checks,” the book said. “One of the most important recruits of Chinasf is the laboratory for a biotechnical company, which has close ties to the Chinese military.”
“Fool’s gold: radicals, artists and traitors who killed the California dream and now threatens us to all,” by Jedda McFattera and Susan Crabtree Susan Crabtree (Central Street Publishing)
Fox News Digital addressed Newsom’s comment office and received an answer pointing to the article About the theories of conspiracy with the title, “The conspiracy theorists really see the world differently, shows a new study.”
The book continues to discuss the participation of Chinasfa with biotechnology and pharmaceutical scientific companies “attracted to the Gulf” with tax breaks and “a little check”, along with a companies of alcoholic beverages called Kweichow Moutai, which has a history of “several major chanting of corruption that is involved in the CCP.
The book also states that as a California Lieutenant Governor, he protected the wines he owns in China and poured them for the CCP elite on a lavish tasting in Shanghai.
The authors also turned their attention to the controversial connection between Chinasf and Huawei, a company that was involved in countless questionable practices that withdrawn US Presidential Administrations, resulting in restrictions.
“However, it seems that no one noticed when the infamous Chinese company became their main financial sponsor in 2016,” the book says. “This could be because the US government has long found that the company, Huawei Technologies, as one of the most dangerous Chinese technological companies in Chinese. According to the internal report. Chinasf hosted two events in 2016, led by Huawei, which led to establish a new study in San Francisco. Billion dollars of revenue, so they had a lot of money for a flash. “
Chinasf once described himself as a non -profit organization, including his now defective website, the book explains, but between 2009 and 2014 it was a limited liability corporation whose only member was the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce.
“In other words, for a while, Chinasf was a private subject built into the local chamber,” the book reports.
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The Chinese national flag fluttering on the island of Pingtan. (Adek Berry/Getty Images)
The chapter closes with a summary of why the influence of Chinasf in the country deserves more supervision.
“A close analysis of available data reveals that most of the chinasf descriptions by the Government and the media were fiery and misconceptions,” the book says. “Basically, Chinasf is a marked name of a complex bureaucratic mirage used as a cover for legitimizing mass transmission of technology, property and wealth of Bay Area in China, simultaneously simplifying the establishment of Chinese business in the United States. This is the secret of Elixir Newsomov to help convert San Francisci.”
“On the surface, the noise of Mousa, a press conference, a ribbon cut and so on the persuasion of the proclamation of the Chamber of Economic and Government officials like Newsom-Utzes what might seem like an innovative job dealing with public partnerships-you do not succeed in the Chinese companies To this, which fails in the Chinese company, which are not succeeding in Chinese companies, which are not dealing with Chinese companies, which are not succeeded there are no reasonable public structures of responsibility, there is not enough records to review the public and there are no clear explanations why the San Francisco’s Office has the right to get involved in the risk suspects in some cases with criminal business schemes shady Chinese companies that used and damaged the US economy and shared American nationals with their fraud schemes.
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Gavin News (Getty Images)
“San Francisco is proud of his long -standing relationship with China and sister city, Shanghai,” News in 2008. “Chinasf is based on this history of common cultural and economic relationships and strengthens future economic prosperity through improved relations between San Francisco and the Chinese company.”