How did I naturally improve my vision

Sharing some tips on how I improved my vision in the last two years. This is just my personal experience and I’m not a doctor. Always check with your doctor before you change anything in your routine. Eyes are important that you don’t want to mess up, MM K?
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Today’s post is a popular Reader’s request and the one I thought about for about a year, but he was on the fence. I hesitate because I’m not a doctor, I’m definitely not a doctor, but I was forced to learn a lot about my eyes in the last two years, who couldn’t help me with my eyes. I finally found an amazing dry -eyed expert, but I also had to take things into my own hands. The other doctors were completely baked and they wanted to depend on the drops of the steriod that increased the pressure of the eyes. I learned a lot and I like to share everything I learned with you, but please don’t accept it as medical advice. Always consult your doctor before changing anything in your routine.
Okay, my eye story. A few years ago, I changed a lot with the routine of the eye and taking care of my eyes. (I’ll share some of these things below.) Over the past year, I also noticed that my glasses felt too strong for me. They started to bother me and they felt like increasing, especially as I drove. I was supposed to go to the new office because of my annual eye meeting with my eyes for my eyes because the last meeting of RX was a disaster (she gave me contacts and in the end I was allergic to contacts or solution, and when I got back to the office, she acted as if my eyes were completely swollen.) OK, so I wasn’t strong too.
He looked at me and told me that for the first time in my life my recipe had decreased. I was -5.25 from 6th grade, and now my RX was on -5.0. This was a huge victory, and I pumped about it !!
I continued and recently decided to order a couple of recipe vivarus after doing a ton of research on glasses to block blue light. I wanted to find a company that did it right, and Vivari Is that company. (Kindly created a discount code, fitnessAnd I will definitely post a complete review!) My glasses started to feel the feeling of increasing again, so I went to the recipe again because I did not want to order new glasses if it changes.
I said Eye Doctor (the same guy – it’s great) that my glasses felt too much as I read. I started taking out my glasses to read, and they bothered me even when I was on my computer for too long. He checked my reading vision, holding a pamphlet about 2 ft in front of me, and my reading recipe was -2.50 -Polovica my current recipe !! He wrote me a new recipe I can use while I just do things around the house, reading and working on a computer.
I shared good news about Instagram and is overwhelmed by the requirements for writing this post. The reality is that I have done a lot of things and I feel like it is a blend of all these strategies; Not just one.
How did I naturally improve my vision
But here’s the things I think they helped most:
– Cleaning eyes and hygein. This is rough, but leading to the eye saga, I never cleaned the eyelids. I used them to wash my face and made sure the makeup was mostly excluded, but that was it. Now my eyelids are cleaning clean every night and in the morning when I wake up.
My current routine:
AM: Wake up and use a Care of cornea Eye mask for 15-20 minutes while lying in bed.
Two drops of Refresh the mega preservative without (I hate the ingredients and a one -off plastic, but it works best. I can’t wait Eyegincs‘a new drop to exit)
Pure eyelids with CLIDEX Wipe (I use 1/4 wiping every morning)
Pm: a clean face with Cleaner and make the rest of my skin care routine
Pure eyelids with Oasis lid and eyelash (I use half a handkerchief every night)
One drop Refresh the mega preservative without
– Cleaning parasites. At the beginning of my great flash, I had a terrible blepharitis, which outgrows demodex mite in the eyelids, eyelashes and the edges of the lid. They live and create biofilm – these are bacteria machines !! – And clean the parasite put the nail in the coffin.
My eyes are no longer crispy, red or goopy more – at one point they were red, rough and lit about 10 weeks. Then my vision was in absolutely worst, and I really think that the cleaning of the parasite, except that Hyge’s eye eyelid made a huge difference. I have free of charge here about cleaning parasites.
– Getting dry eyes under control. My eyes rarely bother me because I use the warm lining in the morning, falling twice a day, my eyelids are clean, and I hydrate with electrolytes throughout the day. Dry eyes can absolutely exacerbate vision.
– The control of the nervous system. Stress is inflammatory and affects all the main processes in our bodies. For years I have been working on cortisol patterns and nervous regulation, but I’m finally in a place where I feel more peaceful and balanced, even in total chaos (mostly). Sleep I treat like it’s my job, meditate on my Pemf Mat, Magazine, enjoy hobbies when I can, time with friends/family, nature, etc.
– This book. This was recommended by Roudy (who founded Vivari) on the rearrangement of the health summers and I took it right now. Is full of useful strategies and advice but is the biggest step The less you depend on the glasses, you need less with time.
I realized that I especially started doing this when I couldn’t wear contacts for many weeks. I didn’t like to wear training glasses, so I skipped them. In the hot yoga, everyone around me was a giant blur. In the end, they became unclear people, and then I could see the details, such as patterns or logo on their clothes.
Although you can’t throw away driving glasses, you can absolutely throw them out for other things without threatening safety, even if you just start meditation. He also talks about the trauma and personal experiences behind the needs for glasses, relaxing his body enough to allow him to fully see, and includes exercises and practices. You also have to truly believe that you can improve your vision.
He says we would never accept the fact that any other part of our body was destined to collapse over time. Why are the eyes different? The eyes also have the ability to treat and improve.
While I am attending hours of exercise or I am at home and I do not feel like I need glasses, I throw them away. At first it was extremely embarrassing, but over time, my vision became much better.
– Elimination of toxicity and restore defects. My accessories and eating habits have changed and I think it made a big difference with my eyes. Some of my eye supplements are Vitamin C.and Solid multivitaminand Omega 3s. I also eat sardines several times a week, and salmon at least once a week, with lots of vegetables, healthy fats, leafy greens and fresh fruits.
I think these are the biggest! If you have any questions, I would like to answer the comments.
Has anyone else successfully improved their vision ??? Please share your story in the comments!
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