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First IVF Kenguroo Embrio claimed by scientists based in Australia

Scientists based in Australia said on Thursday that in vitro fertilization produced the world’s first kengur and invited him as a key step towards the merger of martially Marsupials.

A team of Queensland University said he uses the technique on the East Gray Kongura-Koji number in the millions of or in the end to use IVF for scarce Marsupials.

“Australia is the home of the greatest variety of Marsupial fauna on the planet, but it also has the largest mammal extinction rate,” leading researcher Andres Gambini said in a statement.

“Our ultimate goal is to support the preservation of the endangered Marsupial species such as Koalas, Tasmanian devils, northern hairy nasal brackets and the potential of Leadbeater.”

Scientists have produced embryo with a technique that includes injection of one sperm directly into a mature egg.

“Because the eastern gray kenguri are excessive, we have collected their eggs and sperm for use as a model to adjust the embryo technologies that have already been applied to domestic animals and humans,” Gambini said. “Now we are doing the techniques of collecting, culture and preserving Marsupial eggs and sperm.”

With the right cooperation, financing and technical progress, the birth of Marsupial with the help of IVF could be possible within a decade, the researcher said.

Total Kangaroo numbers in Australia are fluctuating between 30 million and 60 million, and they have often seized to control the population.

Animals have a “bloom and bust” cycle – when the food is abundant after a good wet season, their number can balloons for tens of millions. But some other population of Marsupi are far more insecure.

It is estimated that in the wild, for example, there are only 20,000 to 50,000 Tasman devils in the wild with as many as 150,000 before the mysterious illness of the face tumor first hit the mid-1990s.

The Kangaroo IVF survey was published in reproductive, fertility and the development of a reviewed magazine.

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