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Parents’ shares 7-11 fall over 12% as they decay to buy management

Seven and I private branded meals at the 7-Eleven store, which was managed by Seven & I Holdings Co., Tokyo in Japan on Thursday, 1824.

Bloomberg | Bloomberg | Getty Images

Japan’s shares Seven and I Holdings On Thursday, as many as 12.44% fell after the company said that the founders had failed to ensure financing needed to buy the shop operator.

Earlier on Thursday, the Yomuiri newspaper reported that seven and I left the administration plan plan, which stated to be worth more than 8 trillion of Jena ($ 53.69 billion).

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“They [the founding family] They could not ensure the financing required to submit a final proposal for the acquisition of 7 & i. As a result, there is no effective proposal for Mr. Junro ITO and ITO-Kogyo for 7 and who will consider at the moment, “said the company in submission.

Junro Ito is Seven & and Vice President and son of the late Masatoshi ITO, the founder of seven and i. ITO -Kogyo is a company associated with the vice president, and is seven years old The second largest stakeholder with 8.2% of the share.

On Wednesday, Reuters reported that a trading house Itoch He decided not to participate in the purchase. Itoch was considering investing 1 trillion yen in an agreement, but then gave up because there were few synergy between her food and drinking company and seven and I, Nikkei reported.

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Local media reported in November that the founder’s family had joined with “three Japanese Megabanka and the main US financial institutions” to start buying.

Seven and in 2024 dismissed two bales offers from a Canadian trade operator, alimony of Couche-Pard.

Couche-Thard was initially made Bid of $ 14.86 per share download seven and I in August last year. Offer was rejected, with seven and I said that “Gross underwater” Company.

Then company Allegedly raised His offer in October with over $ 22% to $ 18.19 per share, estimating seven and I to 7 trillion of Japanese Jen or about $ 47 billion.

Seven and I said that “remains dedicated Research of all opportunities to unlock values ​​for shareholders and continues to assess the entire range of strategic alternatives, including the proposal of the alimony of Couche-Dard, Inc. “

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