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Pakistani approach “War Against Terrorism” is dangerous | Opinions

Rejection to see the roots of the rebellion, using ‘terrorism’ stickers, and the sacrificial neighbors do not receive strategies.

On March 11, fighters from the Balochistan Liberation Army (Bla) were abducted by the Jaffar Express train that traveled from Quette to Peshawar. After 36-hour opposition, Pakistani security forces could kill the Black operatives and let hundreds of hostages. According to the Government, at least eight civilians lost their lives during surgery.

Pakistani officials They are quick to blame Afghanistan and India for what they called “a terrorist incident.” This is the latest example of how Pakistani authorities are increasingly refusing to responsibility and frame Pakistan’s relationship with Afghanistan in the language of “war against terrorism”.

Nearly three months before the abduction of the train, Pakistani combat planes bombed The Provinces of Afghanistan Khost and Pactics, killing at least 46 people, including women and children. Many victims were displaced by people from the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistani region.

Pakistan justified the violation of Afghan sovereignty and international law, claiming that he was aiming for fighters of Tehrek-ealiban Pakistan (TTP) hiding in Afghan territory. In the past two years, Islamabad has accused Kabul of extinguishing “terrorists” who have performed attacks on the Pakistani territory.

This is the same logic that the United States used to implement air attacks, abduction, targeted murder, etc. in the whole Muslim world during the so -called “war against terrorism”. In doing so, US has grown over all the conventions that the world supported the confirmation of state sovereignty, the difference between civilians and fighters, proportional to the response and the rights of war prisoners.

The US army and intelligence service civilians are as active fighters or “collateral damage”, which was inevitable when a “high -value” target was created. ” The entire countries and civilians paid the price for “terrorist” strikes that carried out armed groups – and they still do so. This is because now they may have retired from Afghanistan and Iraq, but the legacy of his practice remains and is easily accepted by governments in the region. The Pakistani government is one of them.

Through the 20-year-old American occupation of Afghanistan, Pakistan refused to see Afghan Taliban as “terrorists” and continued to remove and support the group. However, Pakistani authorities refer to TTP and Bla as “terrorist” groups and the Afghan Taliban government as sponsors of “terrorism”.

They refuse to see these local rebellions as politically motivated rational actors that could be argued or whose complaints should be heard.

As Pakistan decides to deal with these groups, the internal matter is, but there are several lessons from recent American adventure that should be with respect to.

Now they threw a wide definition of “terrorism” in which Muslims at home and abroad became suspicious. In Afghanistan, with the Taliban and sometimes Afghan civilians, the enemy of Al-Qaeda collapsed.

The prison and torture of the alleged members of the Taliban only fed the fervor of the Taliban fighters and led to escalation in violence. Non -Selective drones on civil communities in Afghanistan and Pakistan not only violated sovereignty, but also encouraged the young men to join Afghan Taliban and TTP.

Several attempts to negotiate with the United States did not bear fruit until 2021, when, exhausted by a two-end occupation and war, Washington decided to withdraw, basically accepting defeat.

It is easy to reject movements as “terrorism” and refuse to see any time of reconciliation. But as an American example shows, this approach does not end well.

Instead of trying to retire to another war on “terror” – as American media A place to discharge He reported – Pakistani authorities should learn from American experience. I can’t imagine ignorance of groups like TTP -ai blah; They deal with their own citizens, who have clear complaints.

The Pakistani government must hear the demands of these groups and find a way to negotiate with them. This must recognize the suffering of civilians in the regions in which Bla i ttp operate. The violation of the sovereignty of Afghanistan and the muffling of the Taliban government must also stop for its own security failures under the guise of “war against terrorism”.

If the Pakistani army decides not to learn from recent history and follow in the footsteps of the United States, it is very likely that he will fulfill his fate.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s and do not reflect the editorial position of Al Jazeere.

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