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New York Fire 2K Prison Guardians because they don’t go back to work after an illegal strike

New York Officials released more than 2,000 prison guards on Monday because they did not return to work after the physical strike.

A lot of repair officials have returned to work in the country to declare the end of the Wildcat strike, a workflow that violated the State Law for prohibiting the strikes of most public employees.

“After 22 days of illegal strike, the governor and I gladly reported that he was now ended,” said repair commissioner Daniel Martuscello during virtual briefing for journalists.

State and The guards’ unionThe New York State Correction officers and the Police Affairs Association reached a new contract to end the strike over the weekend, but that was depending on at least 85% of the staff that were returning to work until Monday morning. Although the goal of 85% was not fulfilled, Martuscello said that the state would honor some of the provisions of the agreement, including overtime.

New York prison guards discharged due to ignoring agreement to end the strike, thousands lost health insurance

The correction officers are welcomed during the change of shift at the Auburn Criminal Facility in Auburn in New York, on the first day back to work after the strike ended on Monday, March 10, 2025. (AP)

Martuscello said that the National Guard would remain in prison to support the staff, while the department implements an aggressive employment campaign to bring additional employees. Government of Kathy Hochul has deployed a national guard in some prisons to fulfill striking workers.

About 10,000 security staff are available for work in prisons across the country, which is less than about 13,500 before Wildcat strike, the commissioner said.

“The terms of termination were sent over 2000 officers who remained on strike. The officers and the sergeants who did not have a pre -approved medical leave and did not return until the morning, the deadline of 6:45, were abolished immediately,” Martuscello said.

The guards were frustrated due to working conditions began walking from work on February 17th in many state prisons. The prisoners complained about the worsening conditions behind bars from walking.

The New York prisoner dies in prison while the guards continue the strike are considered illegal under the state law

Police officers at the Auburn Criminal Facilities continue to hold the line on the third day of their strike to protest insecure working conditions in Auburn in New York on Thursday, February 20, 2025. (AP)

A special prosecutor is also Death probe on March 1 Prisoner, 22-year-old Messiah Nantwi, at the Middle Ages Remedial Institute. Other prisoners said Nantwi had brutally beaten up with repair officials, and 15 employees were put on administrative leave after the death of the prisoner.

According to the court who filed the Office of the State Attorney, there is a “likely reason to believe” that there are as many as nine repair officers or could be involved in Nantwi’s death.

Mid-State is across the street from the Criminal Subject Marcy, where six guards were charged with murder in December, beating the death of Robert Brooks.

The second prisoner, 61-year-old Jonathon Grant, was proclaimed a dead last month after finding him in his cell at the Auburn criminal institution in the midst of a constant strike, although it is not clear whether prison staff played a role in his death.

User officials at the Auburn Corrective facility, the third day of strike to protest in uncertain working conditions, on Thursday, February 20, 2025, in Auburn, New York. (AP)

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The strike did not sanction the officers’ union.

The two previous contracts that sought to end the strike failed to return enough guards to end the work action.

As included in the previous agreements, the agreement reached over the weekend resolves the key appeal of the guard by issuing a 90-day suspension of the provisions of the State Law, which limits the use of a solitary prison. During the break, the state will evaluate whether the re -establishment of the law will create an unreasonable risk for prisoners of the prisoners.

The guards will also operate 12-hour shifts, and the State Department for Repair and Community Supervision will not discipline officials who participated in the strike if they returned within Monday.

Associated Press contributed to this report.

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