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Japan revised the Q4 GDP lower, complicating the battle -s -out chance of interest rate

Topshot – Customers enter the electronics store in the Akihabara County in Tokyo on January 12.

Richard A. Brooks | AFP | Getty Images

The economic growth of Japan slowed down 2.2% on an annual basis in the fourth quarter, complicating the Central Bank case for further increase in interest rates in the short term.

Revised data came lower than the middle forecast of economists and Initial growth assessment of 2.8%.

Based on the quarterly, GDP spread by 0.6%, compared to 0.7% of preliminary data growth The published last month, the cable cable data showed on Tuesday.

The Japan Bank is likely to hold a policy rate at the next meeting of politics from March 18 to 19, Said Reuters. Still, the setting board could discuss the second increase in May, due to concern about inflation pressure from wages and stubborn food costs.

Japanese Prime Minister Said to Shiger on Monday that the central bank was close to achieving a goal of 2% inflation. “The bank of Japan takes different steps to achieve stable prices,” he said.

Since the central bank sought to normalize its monetary policy of Ultra-Loose last year, it increased short-term interest rates by quarter at 0.5%in January-in January- Its highest level from the depth of the global financial crisis in 2008.

Governor Bank of Japan Kazuo Ueda and Other members of the Committee to Determine the rate have Signalized further increase in speed If the inflation lasts according to the goal of inflation of 2%.

Brings ten -year state bonds in the country Has recently increased at the highest level since October 2008In the midst of constant inflation in the country, global sales in bonds, as well as the Central Bank comments that it will continue to narrow the purchase of Japanese government bonds.

Japanese title inflation has remained above the battle of 2% of 2% for a 34 -month -oldWith the latest figure in January, it reached a two -year maximum of 4%.

The so -called “nucleus core inflation rate”, which allocates the prices of fresh food and energy, and the battle has been carefully monitored, has climbed a little to 2.5%in January, hitting the highest rate since March 2024.

Separately, the battle is scheduled to release the Index price of corporate goods for January on Wednesday, which measures the prices of goods products. The meter is expected to show a drop of 0.1% of the month of the month, according to the Reuters survey, while jumping 4.0% compared to a year earlier.

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– CNBC -ov Lim Hui Jie contributed to this report.

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