Human rights investigators are racing to document Syria’s killings on social media

Warning: This story contains graphic details.
Hundreds of civilians in Syria were reportedly killed in the midst of a conflict between the temporary government forces and the Loyalist Pro-Assad. But far from happening in the shadows, murders – in some cases, summary of executions in fields and villages – they are widely published: they are often published on Telegram groups and are widely divided on social networks.
Content provides a view of what is happening on Earth During the permanent civil war in Syria. And human rights investigators race to collect and analyze all this – in some cases, before the perpetrators deleted or removed the social media systems. The collection and analysis of video is a crucial step in establishing a base of facts and foundations for future investigations or efforts at responsibility.
“It is very important for us to do this quickly because the automated moderation of content can often remove harmful or graphic recordings if reported and if not reported if it is only automatically labeled as a violent content that could violate the platform policies,” Benjamin Strick, Director of Informatics Informatics with headquarters in the UK (CIR).
“Even some of the weekend content in which we have seen an increase in violence.”
Verification of killings
Cir launched a new project documenting violence in Syria – including civilians – in response to recent murders, which began after a fighter loyal to the deposited regime of Assad, demolished in December 2024, the Government’s forces were alleged last week, killing civilians. The struggle spirals into the revenge murders committed by both government and non-governmental forces in areas inhabited by members of the Alawita Religious Minority, they are the second largest religious group in Syria-Group to which former President Bashar Al-Assad belongs.
More human rights groups have published reports that combine official figures, testimonies of an eyewitness and a proven video from social media to illuminate what is happening. They include Syrian Human Rights Network,, Human rights watchand Syrian Center of Justice and Liability (Shine).
Collecting and checking videos on the killings posted on social media can help separate the truth from the wrong presentation, Stick said. Numerous videos wider online In the midst of violence, showing old incidents of violence that are shown as recently.
Checking the recording also gives a public essential insight into what really happened in detail during the murder campaign, where the victims may not have recorded videos, but the perpetrators.
“He really identifies what happened on Earth,” Stick said.
The CBC News Visual Investigation team, working with the shine – a non -governmental organization whose goal is “significant justice and responsibility for Syria” – confirmed the authenticity of three videos circulating online and collected dozens of more remains unchanged.
CBC News journalists collected videos, some of which also shared. Using tools for the reverse search and analyzing them to recognize uniforms and marks, the team found that the videos had not been divided before. We shared these uniforms, patches and tags with the explorers of GLAC, who confirmed the findings of the CBC -Ai added details.
CBC News only shows static parts of video because of their graphic nature. Victims in the videos have not been identified.
In one, armed people carrying the uniforms of the Syrian forces of public security, they drain a person dressed in civilian clothes in the alley before they shoot it. Five bodies can be seen in the video. Another striker, dressed in black, can be seen by the bodies by phone. Photo divided The Syrian State News Agency indicates that at least one of several men arrested in this video was present in this video for participating in extrajudicial killings.
In the second video, a group of men wearing black uniforms decorated with a Syrian flag are pulled by a person to a ditch by the side of the road, beat him with rifles and then shoots it. The camera breaks through, discovering a truck covered with a mark of Syrian security forces.
In the third, two men shoot the body on the ground, which is moving for a few moments sooner. They wear fatigue and stains that seem to be the seal of the prophets that carried different Islamic militia in the country. At least another body is visible – it is unclear whether they are alive or dead.
The arrests of members of the Government forces made
In violence, the fighters associated with Assad were killed by 172 safety members, police and military forces, according to a statement of the Syrian Human Rights Network (SNHR) Sent on CBC News. At least 211 civilians, including a humanitarian worker, were killed in direct shootings that performed these groups, the organization said.
“It was just a panic way, calling for armed groups and anyone who can join to help support the Government,” CBC News Noura Aljizawi, a senior researcher at the Lunk School of Global Worfs and public policy at the University of Toronto.
The revenge of the murders was followed by the coast. Witnesses said Associated Press that Alawiti were shot in the streets and at the door of their homes. Alavite houses were also burned and robbed, witnesses said. The groups aligned with the Government were responsible for the death of 420 civilians of total and disarmed fighters, including 39 children and 49 women, SNHR in a preliminary report.
The UN invites temporary leaders of Syria to protect civilians in the midst of the struggle between the power of security and those who remain loyal to the overthrow of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad. Former army staff of the Allied Assad has been conducting coordinated attacks and ambush since Thursday.
CBC News could not independently check these numbers. UN says it has been checked 111 Total civilian killings in conflicts, and the procedure is ongoing.
Syrian Ministry of Internal Affairs said Tuesday She arrested four people about civilian attacks. The television report of the Lebanese news agency also showed that two more men were arrested and connected them to a video circulating through the internet where two men on motorcycles were another man in civilian clothing and executed it, seemingly randomly.
Identifying crimes from social media
Aljizawi told CBC News that the videos that have been published on the network of armed groups are key to recognizing crimes in the past.
“Many of the atrocities we identified … They were through videos and photos they took and posted on social networks,” she said. “Not unique to Syrian conflict.”
Among the videos circulating on the network were Older Videos of Murder Indulgence like this week.
“There is often a level of propaganda that appears on the internet to diminish, discredit, or just undermine events that happen on the field,” Cir -Ov Strick said.
Disinformation helps the further division of Syrians, said Aljizawi, as Pro-Assad’s forces may claim that the new temporary government has committed works, while others could use videos to deny that the crimes occurred in the first place.
“It harms the victims. It harms the community. It is harmed by this very fragile, very critical transition. And it does not help absolutely create peace or any sense of stability in the country.”