Honestly mind Adnan | Opinions
I first met the mind of Adnan in 2006 in the southern Lebanese village of Chehabiyeh, which is located not far from the border with Israel and regularly suffers accordingly. I traveled to Lebanon, shortly after the end of the 34-day Israeli attack, which killed about 1,200 people and overturned in the country with an unploded command.
Mind Adnan was born in 1939, nine years before Israel Violent self -discovery on the Palestinian country. She married Palestinian refugee from the vicinity of Nazareth, who, as a child, fled to Lebanon, separated from her family. Her husband had already passed away until we met, but her son Hassan told me a nostalgic laugh that the first encounter of the couple was “like magic”.
The mind of Adnan wore eight children, two boys and six girls, three of whom were dead in a car accident and one during the 1975-90 civil war. The third accidentally shot a cousin.
A solid و covert woman, the mind of Adnan already had difficulty walking in 2006 when my friend Amelia and I appeared in her home – which, unlike many other residences of southern Lebanon, managed to avoid irreparable damage during the summer attack. Amelia and I were highway We went through the devastated landscape, and Hassan was one of the countless motives that picked us up on the side of the road and hindered us home to be filled with food and set up for the night.
I returned to Lebanon alone in 2008 after I drove from Turkiya to Syria by bus, where Hassan volunteered. Then I would spend a better part of two months sleeping on the mind of Adnan’s living room under the colorful portrait of her late husband. Hassan slept on a mattress next to me, an arrangement that was not communicated not so much like hitting an eye from the mind of Adnan.
At that time, the mind of Adnan had even greater difficulty in maneuvering, and yet he could rarely make himself sit still, devoting himself to endless rotation of jobs, gardening and cooking. For me, he was always on the arm of green beans – as well as a number of other treats – and the fact that a man had to go through the kitchen to reach the only toilet home meant that the mind Adnan had many opportunities to intercept me and score a table for another mandatory feeding.
The mind of Adnan had a smile for all, her stoic grace is even more notable given the life trajectory, which included the survival of such episodes of mass massacre as Israeli invasion of 1982 That killed tens of thousands in Lebanon. Acute losses she suffered over the years – all on the background of the lasting torment of the state that her husband made refugees – made a mere act of getting up every morning one of the fierce resistance.
Regardless of whether cooking, cleaning, singing, or buzz for one granddaughter or another, he rushed to the order, the mind of Adnan embodied daily heroism that was denied in the orientalist discourse, which reduces the Arabic/Muslim woman to a weak and oppressed figure. It doesn’t matter that in Lebanon and Palestine, the opposite of weak families to keep their families together, while struggling with the constant existential Israeli threat.
During the brutal Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon, which lasted from 1978-2000., Hassan struggled with Lebanese resistance-what means that the mind Adnan never knew at which moment the fourth child could lose. Now that she had him at home, she kept him close.
Although dissatisfied with the sleeping arrangement in his living room, the mind of Adnan welcomed Hassan’s announcement that he and I got married – part of the scheme he designed while influenced by too much wine. According to our vision caused by the wine, Hassan’s marriage to me-states of the United States would end him from procuring him an American passport and traveling to his father’s village in today’s Israel.
With my less mocking ways and general uselessness in the kitchen, I was no doubt that it was not a daughter -in -law, Adnan imagined for herself, but she took it all in the noble progress.
Sheikh married us in the village of Tnnina, and I was inserted as a wife number one on Hassan’s identity document for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, a category assigned to him by the Lebanese law forbidden by the Lebanese women like the mind of Adnan to transfer their citizenship to their extraordinary citizenship.
It is unnecessary to say that the passport scheme did not drop, but the mind Adnan shook us with good wishes after returning from Sheikh and promised a suitable party in the future.
I would later loses contact with Hassan For many years – and was afraid of the worst – until one day in December 2022 he materialized in my WhatsApp messages with a series of emoji and “Belennnnnnnn”. He was alive, but the mind of Adnan was not passing through during the coronavirus pandemic. His voice cracked as he said to me, “She broke my heart.”
The mind of Adnan’s house has since been transformed into ruins along with most of the rest of Chehabiyeh – by hand, of course, the Israeli army, which launched its last invasion of Lebanon last fall. Her family was able to save anything from the ruins, leaving only memories of the place where Mind Adnan loved and lost and made strength in front of the troubles, day by day.
Today is March 8th International Women’s Day. And as Israel still does his best make the earth’s existence of hell For countless international women, I think a lot about the mind of Adnan.
The views expressed in this article are the author’s and do not reflect the editorial position of Al Jazeere.