
Gitlab still sees the strong growth of the revenue that drives the AI, but is the shares buy it?

There has been a significant instability on the market this season, and disappointing reports have scared some investors. One stock that received a refund after earning was Devsecops platform Gitlab (NASDAQ: GTLB)mainly because investors loved his continuous strong growth. Nevertheless, the shares continue to trade about 25% in the last year.

Let’s look at Gitlab’s closer results in the fourth quarter and the prospect of seeing if this is the right time to buy stock.

Gitlab manages the Devsecops platform (development, safety and surgery) that helps customers in the development of software, at the same time integrating CYBER -Safe in all stages of the process. The company recorded a strong revenue growth that helped Artificial intelligence (AI)-The Gitlab Duo supplement, which can help the developers meet their tasks by offering proposals and automation of coding.

The company managed to consistently increase its revenue by about 30% in the last quarters, and the Q4 was not different. For the Q4 Fiscal 2025, it ended on January 31, the revenue increased 29% compared to the year to $ 211.4 million. This was in advance in front of the previous forecast for the revenue company between $ 205 and $ 206 million.


Q1 fy24

Q2 Fy24

Q3 Fy24

Q4 Fy24

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Q4 Fy25

Revenue growth









Source: Gitlaba earnings.

Subsign revenues climbed to $ 31% to $ 185.6 million, while the license revenue increased by $ 19% to $ 25.9 million.

Existing customers continue to increase consumption with Gitlab, with their Net retention based on dollars You enter 123%. This metric measures the consumption of existing customers who have been reduced to any customers with at least one year. The number of over 100% means that existing customers have increased their consumption in the last 12 months. Gitlab said that the expansion of the seat made up 75%of the increase, improved customers’ yields contributed 15%and upgrades on a higher level of 10%.

Meanwhile, Gitlab continues strong growth with its business customers. The number of customers with $ 100,000 or more annual repetitive revenues (ARR) climbed to 29% to $ 1,229, while customers with $ 1 million or more jumped to 123 customers.

Strong growth continues to trigger his end, dedicated and Gitlab duo solutions. Ultimate is Gitlab’s higher level platform and now makes half of his ARR, while dedicated to includes additional features such as data insulation and regional residence. The dedicated revenue increased approximately 90% compared to the year in a quarter.

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