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For Israel, the truce is a continuation of the war with other means | Israel-Palestinian conflict

Once upon a time, in the 19th century, the famous Prussian general and military strategist Carl von Clausewitz wrote that “war is a continuation of politics with other means.”

Two hundred years later, Israel put a new spin with his current on the phrase The interruption of fire is not In the gauze belt. Whether he is alive today, von Clausewitz could very well discover the opportunity to observe that, in the case of Israel, “the interruption of the fire is a continuation of the war with other means.”

Indeed, Israeli supplies after a ceasefire that began in January showed a deep lack of interest in actually cessation of hostilities. Not only makes Israel Continue to kill Palestinians regularly, pushing official deaths closer to 50,000; But he also refused to leave the occupation Philadelphi Horidor on the border between Gaza and Egypt.

The first phase of an agreement on the interruption of fire between Israel and Palestinian groups of resistance in gauze finished On Saturday, but the Israeli government has been predictably stopped negotiations on the second phase. In the opinion of Israel, after all, the agreements are set to be broken-what is a good way in explaining why it is much overjoyed Two -state solution He never came true and why Israel periodically feels the need to spend the Palestinian massacre whenever things seem too calm.

In the last obscene manifestation of interrupting fire as a continuation of the war, the Israeli army on Sunday blocked all the delivery of humanitarian aid On the Gaza tape – in what was directly recognized that Israel would use starvation as a negotiating chip.

Of course, shouldn’t be a surprise that the army that was just starvation As a Genocide weapon in Gaza, he once again decided to impose forced hunger as a continuation of the war.

What should be surprisingly in any moral world to a distance is to what extent Israel has been able to normalize fictional corruption, all with a loyal two -party Supporting the United States. In addition to donating billions of billions of dollars to Israeli war efforts, the US has been reportedly coordinated by Israel, recent coverage of help – as if the global superpower had not already been in the saver in the genocide and crimes against humanity.

After the Israeli announcement of starvation, the White House stumbled upon itself to blame Hamas’ assistance, and spokesman for national security council Brian Hughes said: “Israel has negotiated in good faith from the beginning of this administration to ensure the publication of hostages trapped by Hamas terrorists. We will support their decision on the following steps, given that Hamas indicated that he was no longer interested in the negotiating truce. “

The European Union has, for its part, issued a statement condemning Hamas and also suggests that the Palestinian group is responsible for the decision of Israel to block assistance, which “could result in humanitarian consequences.”

You don’t say.

The announcement of the renewed starvation of Gaza received a fairly insidious reception in the Western media, which rather dropped the obvious distinction of moves as a war crime as only Hamas’s allegations that Israel was involved in “cheap blackmail” and “war crime”, the alleged markings included.

As always, Western officials and the media stand to replace the fact with fantasy and transcribe contemporary history. Any view of real and non-fabricated data reveals that Hamas was interested in a negotiating truce forever, while Israel is not interested in negotiations or cessation of mass slaughter.

To be sure, the muffled Western response to the Israeli direct starvation program simply emphasizes that Israeli crimes are set by worldly with their continuous repetition. Indeed, the dark day when she was imposed by hunger – previously hired as a weapon of war, none other than Nazis – does not cause barely western eye. In Clausewitzi lingu, this is simply a continuation of politics as usual.

At the end of the day, however, the war for Israel is not only a continuation of politics with other means. War is life itself.

Without the war, the Israeli company would stop functioning, based on the very concepts of genocide and ethnic cleansing, which are today implemented not only in Gaza’s belt, but Also on the west coastwhere more than 40,000 Palestinians have been forcibly displaced from their homes from January 21, while Israel pierces a deadly desolation throughout the territory.

As the interruption of fire in Gaza moves forward – or not – Israel deals with a typical act of moving the goalkeeper, as he did a lot of time in Palestine and Lebanon. According to the Israeli approach, every fire interruption agreement comes down to what Israel says it does at any time – and on the other side is to adhere to or otherwise.

Now, Israel uses the current “truce” to continue the genocide otherwise. War is Israeli policy – and no truce will ever change that.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s and do not reflect the editorial position of Al Jazeere.

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