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Five prison due to the extreme right conspiracy for the Minister of Health’s abduction

Five members of the German extreme right group were closed because of the conspiracy to overthrow the government and abduct their Health Minister.

Four groups were described as “leaders” from the “terrorist organization”, which planned to use violence to launch conditions such as the Civil War in Germany.

The group planned to be abducted by the Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach – an advocate of strict Coid -19 measures during pandemic – and, if necessary, kill their bodyguards.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said the defendants represented a “huge threat” to national security.

Koblenz Senior Regional Court heard that the group gathered in January 2022 and designed a plan that included a sabotage attack to prevent electric network.

Group – composed of four men between the ages of 46 and 58 and 77 years old – hoped to be joined by dissatisfied members of the security forces.

The four defendants described as the leader of Ring were sentenced to five years and nine months and eight years in prison by a court in West Germany.

The fifth defendant received a two-year and 10-month sentence after almost a two-year trial.

The identities of five convicted persons have not been publicly published.

The group was related to the citizens of Reich, whose followers believe that the German Empire, which collapsed in 1918, still exists. Investigators say he was led by Heinrich XIII Prince Reuss, a German aristocrat.

It is also said to have taken inspiration from Qanon’s conspiracy theory, which is Related to Donald Trump’s supporters in the US.

After the verdict, Lauterbach – funds for the Social Democratic Party (SDP) in the Central Center – thanked the police and said that the state had shown “that it could defend itself against the theorists of the violent conspiracy.”

Faeser said: “Violent plans for a coup, for attacks on electric infrastructure, for the abduction of Health Minister Karl Lauterbach and for the murder of his bodyguards showed a huge threat.”

She added that safety services “understand threats represented by the Reich scenes seriously and” we protect our democracy. “

Penalties followed several trials that were targeting the extremely right -wing group related to the citizens of Reich who reject the legitimacy of the modern German state.

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