
Boeing connects an employee stimulating plan with an effect throughout the company

Seattle (Reuters) – Annual bonuses for more than 100,000 Boeing employees will be related to working throughout the company this year, not according to the business unit, as in previous years.

Eighty percent of Bonus is related to Boeing financial performance, and the remaining 20% ​​related to progress improvement in security and quality, and the execution of the program, states in the PROXY 2025 report submitted on Friday on Friday for the US Securities Commission.

The announced changes come two days after the Kelly Ortberg CEO told employees that countless business units of business have to work together as part of a wider cultural displacement to a large extent to the employee’s feedback, which he said he would expect to be “brutal for the lead”.

The Ortberg’s total fee in 2024 was about $ 18.4 million, including a $ 1.2 million and $ 525,000 salary signing bonus since he joined the company in August. He also received $ 313,000 to move to Seattle to be closer to Boein’s commercial plane production. The rest of his compensation was in capital support.

Former Dave Calhoun CEO has received $ 15 million in total fees. He left the company after blowing the board in the air at almost new 737 Max, which revealed broad quality problems.

(Reporting Dan Catchpole)

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