
How are 9 of the 11 sector sectors surpass the S&P 500 in 2025?

There are many ways to categorize shares. Some investors think about growth stocks relative to a stock of value or dividend. Or megacap, large cap, middle drop and small caps if you sort market capitalization. There is also a more formal technique of organization based on the stock market sectors.

According to the most commonly used classification system, there are 11 sectors on the stock market. At the time of this writing, nine of these sectors beat S & P 500 (Snpindex: ^GSPC) Year to date (ytd). You may be wondering how this is possible, given that the S&P 500 is one of the most famous stock market indexes. The S&P 500 represents the most valuable US companies, but in some ways does not represent the wider stock market well.

Here’s why so many sectors beat the S&P 500 YTD, which means for your portfolio and why it is important to understand the composition of exchanges-trait Funda (ETFS) or index funds before buying them.

Picture source: Getty Images.

In recent years, the most valuable US companies have run the wider market, which has made the S&P 500 more concentrated.

Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA),, Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL)and Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) It consists of a combined 19.6% of S&P 500. Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN),, Alphabet (Nasdaq: Goog) (Nasdaq: Googl),, Meta platform (Nasdaq: Meta),, Broadco (Nasdaq: Avgo),, Tesla (Nasdaq: Tsla)and Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX)and that is 32.6% S & P 500.

All of these companies belong to the technological, discretion or communication sector of consumer, which make up 52% ​​of the S&P 500. Technology itself makes up 30.7%.

However, many of these stocks weaker the effect of S&P 500 YTD. In fact, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Nvidia and Tesla are a negative ytd, which is withdrawn down S&P 500.

^Spx data Ycharts

Meanwhile, the leaders of the industry of other sectors are doing well, which so far enables the lower weighted sectors to surpass the S&P 500 so far this year.

^Ixv data Ycharts

When the leaders of previous markets begin with lower results of reference values, it may be a sign that some people see these shares as overrated. So, they can sell out of these names and turn to other market pockets for cheaper growth stocks or move on to supplies of values ​​and income.

Jumping in the sector or from the sector or the topic based on whether it is not a great idea for individual investors. Instead, it is a better approach to be aware that a few companies can move S&P 500 and ensure that you know what an ETF or an index fund is doing before you buy it.

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