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As AI and the emerging technology changes the global supply chain

SOEM companies use technologies of the following genes such as robotics in their warehouses.

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In a world where speed and convenience are the most important for customers, logistics providers are addressed by emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics to remain competitive.

The multinational logistics company DHL uses the robotics “very extensive” in its warehouses, said Javier Bilbao Skaquiano, APAC CEO of APAC -A DHL supply chain.

“This is not a replacement – it complements the people in the way we act,” Sucquiano told CNBC Julia Boorstin in CNBC Converge live in Singapore on Thursday. “There are tasks … who have been taken over before by people who are heavy, they are very repeated, and they are transferred to these robots.”

Jobs such as moving the pallets or unloading of the tank, along with many other parts of the company’s storage process, are now helping robots, Sucquiano added.

“We see that autonomous capabilities are becoming more accessible and allowing these robots to move themselves in the warehouse,” he said. “You don’t need gadgets to be present in a warehouse so you can follow where people move … where are thermal cards, [and] where you have a narrow throat. “

“Power in robotics gives us flexibility,” Skiquiano said, especially around “the tops that happen … about black Friday or Cyber ​​Monday or all these events – they increase so quickly, it is very difficult to bring people to understand the process, to know how to react.”

“Robotics help us … because they know how to do it from the beginning,” he added.

AI in food delivery

The Internet Food Order Service with headquarters in Dubai also works on the development of its AI capabilities. The company is primarily focused on the use of predictive technology abilities to convince more customers to order on its platform, the company Tomaso Rodriguez said on Thursday on Thursday at Converge Live, a two-day CNBC event at Jewel Changi Airport.

“The vast majority of customers who open our application do not order every day for any reason,” Rodriguez said. “Now, with Ai, you can go very deeply to an individual person and know exactly what that person is more likely to want or not … and that’s real in that we are going to our focus now.”

Tamabat’s Tomaso Rodriguez (Middle) and DHL -ov Javier Bilbao (right) discuss the use of new technologies in the supply chain of CNBC Julia Boorstin in Converge Live -u Singapore on March 13, 2025.

This made it possible for a company to give better recommendations to potential customers and targeted users with “right offers” or other incentives, he said.

The company also experimenting with the use of drones and deliveries for delivery, but local restrictions can be a block on the road, Rodriguez said.

Both methods also require a certain effort to pick up the items, while people can deliver food straight to the customer door.

“It’s a little too early,” Rodriguez said. “I [think] This human interaction is still very important and will not replace it for a long time. “

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