Trump could end the native crisis if he continues that path

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The reality has a way to claim, no matter how long neglected.
For four years, Biden Management has done everything in its power to inject gender ideology into the fabric of American life. We watched corrupt women’s sports, robbed women of privacy and created a toxic culture of fear about pronouns.
Some parents even discovered – to their shock – that their children were “crossed” at school behind their backs, without their knowledge or consent. It is tragic that thousands of American children have now experienced life in ways that they probably never predicted. Doctors performed some 5,700 transitional operations About US children since 2019.
This is not world Americans to sign up. Polls show that the public refuses the gender ideology every year in larger numbers. And now they have a president who is willing to bring our government back to reason.
President Donald Trump said federal policy is that there are only two sexes. It was applied to present women on this regard. (East)
President Donald Trump caused The change of sea in federal policy on this issue with three executive commands. The first to come on the 1st day, he diverted the entire federal bureaucracy towards biological reality. Federal agencies demanded that they recognize biology as a basis for men or women, ordered federal expressions to reflect the biological gender, prohibited men in federal prisons of women and addressed agencies to protect the privacy of women in space separated sex such as a rape shelter.
As we know now, it was just the beginning. On January 28, the President signed an even more excellent executive order that aimed at ending the terrible practice of a minor crossing – or, as properly ordered by the executive order, “chemical and surgical crippling of children”.
The steps of the action are huge but key steps include: prohibiting federal dollars support transitional medicines or surgery for children; the end of the Government of relying on the science of garbage from groups like the World Professional Transgender Health Association that push these procedures on minors; addressing hospitals that perform these experiments on children; And what is important, ordering an examination of all studies on how best to help children struggling with gender dysforia.
Such a report, published and made available to scientists and the general public, would bring an much needed transparency into this question, which activists often darkened. This could also be crucial in the rejection of US medical groups from their dogmatic insistence at medical transition for minors. Even the European nations that have launched these experiments have now limited them for children.
Trump’s leadership in this vital issue should be applauded. And they should be monitored – Congress members, state legislators and governors.
Congress must adopt a federal law that covers a sexual binar that Trump’s first executive order recognized. It should be clear that the title IX protects women’s rights based on biology, not to a self -proclaimed identity divorced from sex.
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Senate should also take over protection Women and girls in sports, which the house has already passed. And the Congress should take away all clinics and medical providers who perform or facilitate these experiments on children – including planned parenting, which is the largest supplier of a native transition medication in the country.
On January 29, Trump addressed another key aspect of this edition in his executive order “, completing radical indoctrination in K-12 education”. This order has the potential to suffocate sexual ideology – along with other divided ideologies such as a theory of critical race – from American classrooms in public schools. This would be the gaming exchanger in removing the whip of gender ideology from the imagination of our youth.
Polls show that the public refuses the gender ideology every year in larger numbers. And now they have a president who is willing to bring our government back to reason.
Classrooms should be a place of learning and detection, not radical indoctrination. Still, there are too many American school signs to say that they may have been born in the wrong body. This lie, echoed in their feeds, movies and fun on social networks – and enabled by corrupt medical groups and gender clinics – has brought thousands of impressive children in the path of irreversible damage and regret.
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The Union that defends the freedom, the organization I lead, has collaborated with numerous de-cross-country de-moves, only to discover that they will never be able to have children or, if they do so, they will not be able to breastfeed their child. We know that 85% of children suffering from gender confusion will eventually grow out of it as long as they receive appropriate care and consultation. And everything is an increasing choir of the De-Tranzitor who demands that US children be given this opportunity.
If these executive actions are a sign of what will come over the next four years, then we must be grateful. President Trump brings a long -needed correction of the course that will save untold children from bodily injuries. The voters demanded a return to reason and common sense, and he gives us. There is a lot of work left, but it’s morning in America.