The eighth grade of MN volleyball athlete says he stops to “harass” in sports for girls

High School Volleyball Athlete in Minnesota told Fox News Digital to speak in support of the legislation of her state that would Keep men from the female sport.
“A lot of girls are afraid to advocate our rights because of retaliation at school, such as losing a place on the team or even losing friendships, this mistreatment should not happen,” said Ainsley, a volleyball player in eighth grade volleyball, said Fox News Digital. “I think this account is really important. There is a lot of pressure on us as girls to do everything that is trendy, instead of encouraging us to commit to the truth.”
Ainsley testified on February 19, 2025. In support of the legislation sponsored by the Minnesota Peggy Scott representative, the “preservation of the Sports Law on Girls’ Law”, who would ban biological males to compete in women and girls, especially for primary and high school students.
President Donald Trump signed the Executive Command “No Men in Women’s Sport” on February 5, 2025. (AP/DISING)
It determines If there is a confusion about whether a student is male or female, “a student must present a signed statement by a doctor who indicates that the sex sex is based only on the internal and external anatomy of students, natural levels of testosterone and students’ analysis.”
“I don’t know why adults forgive that behavior,” Ainsley said. “I knew that someone had to be a voice for girls in Minnesota. I realized that it could be my only opportunity to talk to those who are in the higher powers of my state. We cannot sit aside as they make decisions that affect us.”
She said she spoke nervously, but did not want to miss the opportunity to help her fellow athletes in her country.
“I told my parents that I knew it would be scary, but I also knew that if I didn’t speak, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night,” Ainsley said. “And so I am. It was really shocking to see that no democratic representative decided to recognize us. Instead, they continued to discuss our existence and our experience, even though we sat in the exact same room.”
She added, “No one could answer my question, which is” what is the point of the team “and a girl, if she is allowed to play in teams only for girls?”
In February, President Donald Trump He has signed the executive order “without men in women’s sports”, which forbids biological men to compete in maiden and women’s sports.
The order states that “the policy of the United States is to abolish all funds from educational programs deprived of women and girls of honest athletic opportunity, resulting in threat, humiliation and silence of women and girls and deprived of privacy.” It is also said that American politics “spreads to the men’s competitive participation in women’s sports, as a matter of security, honesty, dignity and truth.”
Ainsley said her goal is to encourage other athletes to have the courage to speak to remain a female and female female female female.
Maine athlete ‘grateful’ for Trump’s focus on trance contestants after local leaders ‘failed’ girls
President Donald Trump said Maine Government Janet Mills said that her state had to follow the executive commands on transgender athletes in school sports, on Friday, February 21, 2025, events in the White House. (Reuters Photos | Pool)
“As a volleyball player and a teammate, I know he’s one of the most important things to have in the sports team is encouraging,” Ainsley said. “And I know it’s something that even coaches are looking for.”
She added, “I want to encourage all the girls out there, no matter how much you have, with the truth from the Bible, which says,” Don’t let someone despise you for your youth, but be an example in speech and behavior. “I think we are these legislators in power.
Scott, a Minnesota representative who sponsoring legislation, told Fox News Digital that legislation “made it clear that only women can participate in maiden sports.”
“We define what a female is in this account because in today’s world it has come into question,” Scott added. “What is not about is that the allowing men to participate in in maiden sports is unfair and insecure. Allowing males to participate would make the title IX pointless.”
The title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender or gender for the subjects receiving federal funding.
The Department of Education is currently investigating the Minnesota State Secondary School League of Transroid Students-Sports to compete in their teams.
Opinion The Minnesota AG Keith Ellison office was divided last week that the interpretation of Trump’s administration in the title of IX is in disagreement with the Minnesota Act, saying that “this is not overcome by the Law in Minnesota. Forbidding students to participate in vanutic activities with their gender identity.
Minnesota’s legislators say they act to protect the girls by clearly showing that only women can participate in teams named for women.
However, minnesota legislators say they act to protect the girls by clearly showing that only women can participate in teams named for women.
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Renee Carlson, Councilor of True North Legal in Saint Paul, Minnesota, told Fox News Digital that she was standing until February 19, 2025. The testimony that supports the holding of boys from the girls’ sport.
“As I shared in my testimony,” our daughters deserve better than what they get from the school districts of Minnesota, Athletic Associations and the State Government, “” Carlson said “for those who disagree, I have a question: which of the incredibly talented athletes from any middle school team in Minnesota cannot be of them.”
The voting on the “preservation of the sports rank of girls” at the Minnesota House is expected on March 3, 2025.