The upcoming economy for unemployed AI: Who will pay taxes?

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Our socioeconomic system faces with Existential threat of AI. In our capitalist society, most people depend on jobs to maintain themselves. The US government, in turn, relies greatly on the taxation of the income of individual workers due to revenue.
As Artificial intelligence gradually eliminates Opportunities for work, an increasing number of individuals will face a strong uncertainty of work, which will lead to an appropriate fall of federal income. It is now needed radical action to reject the dystopian collapse to better capabilities.
Specifically, taxes on the basis of income must be replaced by some other form of taxation, and the mechanisms of support for the unemployed must be adapted to support the large population that will be expelled from the labor market. Given that the use of AI instead of human workers is the cause of the problem, it makes sense that commercial use of AI system should be taxed to make up for the Americans lost wages and a federal government for income loss.
The income collected by the US government is currently based on taxation of people who work.
The motivation for these problems is that Ai capabilities make rapid progressAnd although most of the jobs are currently safe, it becomes clear that AI will eventually perform almost every task more effective and cheaper than people can. From production to user service and even creative fields such as writing or music, machines already show that they can surpass people.
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A wide range of robots in development will expand the AI -IE reach of physical jobs, such as construction, health care and cleaning of houses. Although this transition will not happen overnight, it is inevitable. Companies will continue to replace human workers with systems directed to AI because it saves money and increases productivity. The question is not if the AI will take over most of the jobs, but when.
The future where robots do all the jobs could be great if we are now planning social implications of wide unemployment. An obvious problem is that without a job, people will not have a way to pay food, housing or anything else. A slightly less obvious problem is that the income that collects the US government is currently based on taxation of people who work.
Adding a canvas list, income, Social Insurance Tax and Medicare Together make up more than 80% of federal revenue. As unemployment grows, the tax base will decrease, resulting in a considerable decline in government income. Our economy will face a double impact of revenue, and at the same time a growing number of people who do not need support truly and without guilt.
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Traditionally, the issue of support for non-players, for example, through well-being or universal basic income (killed), many have been complained to many because it basically involves taxation of workers’ production to support those who do not work. This type of redistribution of wealth causes alienation of comparison with socialism or communism. Even if we were willing to accept the idea of taxing workers and using money to support others, for which a large set of workers is needed to tax, which we will not have because the AI will take over our job.
However, with Ai replacing human workersWe have an alternative method for funding for support mechanisms such as ubiquitous. What we need to do is understand a reasonable way of taxing the job that has done AI and rational distribution of revenue to human beings.
This proposal is very different from socialism or communism in that we do not take the fruits of one person’s work and give them to someone else. Instead, we would take an effort from the effort of Ai/robot and distributed them to people.
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Given that AI systems are trained on huge amounts of public data, there is even a convincing economic justification for taxation of these AI systems and sending money back to the public. Imagine this as a license fee that has been paid for US citizens to use their data.
Of course, many Americans also oppose the taxation of the company. From Amazon for Mama and Pop foodThe concern is that taxes would be burdensome and harmful to work.
However, these companies will see a huge savings from replacing workers that could cost $ 30,000 to $ 300,000 a year with robots that could easily cost less than $ 30,000 and annual maintenance and energy costs of less than $ 20,000 a year. The savings for non -physical tasks will be even greater because they will not require a physical robot, only AI that is running in the cloud.
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As an additional bonus, these workers AI operate 24/7 without the need for rest. (Keep in mind that an account for power not be forbidden expensive. The training of large AI can be expensive, but after it is dressed, it can be repeated repeatedly with any copy that can be launched on a superb personal computer using less than $ 10 electricity a day.)
When an Ai-Vedi Robot doing somethingsandwich or car, creates a new value: a difference between raw materials and the final product. A similar value is also created if the robot rose gold or harvesting wood. If a man did a job, then that value would be divided in three ways: an employer, a human employee, a government. However, when the robot works, there is no human employee in Split.
In essence, I suggest we find a way to bring people back to that equation. The way I seem to be the most obvious is that AI job should be taxed, and revenue used to support American citizens by killing or something like this.
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Admittedly, it is unclear that we should actually measure “ai work” in a reasonable way, but even if it was a fatal flaw in this proposal, motivating the problem AI Downloading majority of jobs It still goes ahead. Whether it’s about taxing a job or something else, we have to think of a plan and start implementing it now.
We could have a bright future where people could comfortably live their lives, focused on their own passions, instead of working for others. Or, if you want to see the alternative, go watch games of hunger.
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Representation of the renunciation of responsibility: All the opinions expressed in this article are only the author as a private person. Nothing in this article should be interpreted as a statement of Dana regarding the author’s professional position with any institution.