Reddit user said her daughter traveled with his friend’s family, and then Mom got an account

Mom who writes on Reddit shared an unusual experience. She said her daughter was invited to join a friend at Family vacation In Costa Rica – but when her daughter returned, her mother presented the other family account for travel expenses.
The confused mother spoke to social networks to find out if her shock was justified by the situation.
On the social media platform, the mother wrote: “Okay, my daughter (16) went to Costa Rica with a friend and her parents and grandparents. I assumed she would charge us only her food and activities like ziplines. Not. They are also looking for a part of her accommodation and a car rental. “
Confused, Mother on Reddit wondered if she meant what she was called means that the basic cost of travel will cover her friend’s parents.
Mom wrote, “Why, for God’s sake, I assumed she was following?”
Mom on Reddit asked other social networks users who should pay a vacation if a teenager invited another family to travel with them. (East)
Then she said she hosted others folk children Similarly – and thought it was a protocol.
“We did that for my other daughter’s friend two years ago,” the mother continued.
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Mom seemed to be surprised by a large account that another family presented to her.
“I would never dream that I will charge so much when I go [on a trip] anyway! “
Mom (without a picture) remained stunned after she was asked to pay for her child’s expenses after the other family traveled on vacation. (East)
Instead of challenging confusion, her mother said she would probably pay the bill to starve to things and finish it.
“We have money, so this [isn’t going to] Break me, “she wrote.
She said she wanted to solve the thing in a quiet way with parents her daughter’s friends.
The Reddit and Mom user (without a picture) decided to pay for additional costs and solve the problem calmly and calm with the other mother. (East)
“I just want to talk,” the diplomatic mom added.
The Reddit Community has announced because of her dilemma.
“A lesson learned to talk about things in advance.”
A commentator under the name “Illustrious-Award-55” said it was not common for him to be presented to his account but agreed with Mother’s decision enhance.
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“I think it’s strange to do it after the fact,” the person wrote.
“A lesson learned to talk about things in advance. The parent should only pay the bill and move on.”
The Reddit writer asked to share the cost of accommodating their daughter and even part of the car rental account. (East)
Other commentators shared the philosophy of thanks to the family for taking the child and returning all the costs the family seeks.
And the next time her daughter is “invited” to a family trip – people said she should refuse a call.
“Pay,” the user “Consistent_Pay_74” wrote on his wife’s post.
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“Repeat your gratitude for taking her and never let her go on a trip with a ‘not family’,” this person wrote.
“Be kind, but know that they have shown you who they are – and you should trust them. Seriously!”
Etiquette experts say that the best thing you can do is set up to this family situation in advance to make all sides on the same page in terms of costs. (East)
Fox News Digital addressed an etiquette expert regarding this problem.
To ensure that there is clarity about cash issues – and since there will be costs related to the family that leads another child – the best way to act is to talk about expectations, an expert said.
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“If there will be a cost, the host should clarify this in advance,” said Diane Gottsman, etiquette expert and owner of the Protocol School of Texas in San Antony.
She said the invitation was different than rest.
Instead of creating assumptions based on previous experiences, people should make it clear with other families about travel expenses. (East)
“As for the mother’s puzzle, some proactive discussions would be a better path,” Gottsman said.
“The assumptions are dangerous,” she also said. “The parent or guardian of this girl would better ask what costs are [she] would be responsible for covering. ”
But she also said that the host family should also be more open in terms of their intentions.
“They could to ask for an airline ticket In advance and help with accommodation and food, but rent-a-car is a demanding thing, “Gottsman said.
It is always good to give your baby some money to settle any additional costs that have been settled during the trip, said Etiquette expert. (East)
She said she was the most effective and most prominent way to address an invitation to a friend’s family to say, “Thank you for the invitation. What costs should we have to cover?”
The truth behind which parents allow their children to invite a friend on a trip is no secret, Gottsman said.
“Usually parents take with them a child’s friend to make their own child a journey more comfortable. And pay for some or all costs is not uncommon,” she said.
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And while the question is to ask her friends’ parents to cover some of the costs in order – time is important.
“The budgets are different, but the host does not seek later money unless it is clearly announced in advance,” Gottsman told Fox News Digital.
Reddit users jumped into an online conversation after her mother was asked to pay for her daughter’s expenses after she traveled with a friend for a vacation. (East)
“The lesson of the story is that you never assume anything when the costs are included.”
Another important thing: parents of a invited child should give their children a certain amount of money for all accessories.
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“When you send your child with another family, even if the other family offered to cover most of the costs, it is important to send enough money to consume with your children so that she could offer to pay the trip for certain activities herself, buying a treat or dessert For himself and other family members or spend money for souvenirs, “Gottsman said.
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“You want to make sure your child feels comfortable and has some money in your wallet for an unexpected emergency.”