Senators back Vivek Ramaswamy for Governor Ohija on the eve of the expected gubernator offer

Entrepreneur and author Vivek Ramaswamywhich is expected to launch a Gubernator offer in Buckeye, collects support from US senators.
GOP SENS. Mike Lee In Utah and Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, they expressed their support from Ramaswamy on Monday posts.
“If @vivekgramaswamy is running for Governor Ohia (and I hope he is), he won’t just win – he will transform Ohio for the better,” Lee said in Tvita. “The results will benefit from Ohioan – and Americans – for the generations that I have been honored to have worked with @vivekgramaswamy, and I support it all -hearted.”
Top JD Vance Political Advisers to Manage Ramaswamy Run for Governor Ohia
Vivek Ramaswamy arrives to meet with legislators on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, Thursday, December 5, 2024. (Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
“It was a pleasure to meet @vivekgramaswamy and work with him. He has a servant and a great entrepreneurial mind. People from Ohi would serve his lead, and if he decides to run, he will have and he will have my full support,” Blackburn noted in the post .
Ramaswamy retreated each of the posts of MPs, thanks to them.
Senator Rick Scott, R-Fla, a former Governor of Florida, was approved by Ramaswamy for Governor Ohia last week.
“I had a privilege closely to work with @vivekgramaswamy and he is completely focused on the attempt to save our country. He is a business guy who understands what is needed to grow jobs, make the government effective and help families. Fantastic governor and hope that run for the Governor Ohi.
Ramaswamy Retweeto Scott and thanked him.
Mike Lee Lebdi by allowing private parties to target drug cartel for profit
Ramaswamy has not yet announced, but he hinted at his plans.
During the appearance of “Jesse Watters Primetime”, Ramaswamy stated that he would seek a selected duty.
“Ohio was the epicenter of the Industrial Revolution. Toledo was a glass throne, Akron was a rubber capital, Youngstown & Cleveland led in Steel, Dayton in Computing, Cincinnati in consumer products. 1950, 6 of the 15 richer cities were Ohio.
Ohio Gubernator race will be held in 2026.
Vivek Ramaswamy exposes ‘National Security Risk’ while students lagging behind at school
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The current government Mike DewineA Republican who has held the role since the beginning of 2019 does not meet the conditions for restarting next year.
Last year, Trump announced Elona Musk and Ramaswamy as his election to lead the efforts of the Ministry of Government Efficiency (Doge), but on the day of inauguration Ramaswamy noted in the post on X “was the honor of helping in support of creating Doge. I am convinced that Elon & Team will succeed in simplifying the Government.
Ramaswamy launched an offer of the White House in 2023, but left and supported Trump 2024.