Budget Leak Budget Elon Musk Hits Political Reality of Suffering Americans

Almost everyone agrees that the federal government has become this inflated monster that needs to be reduced to size.
The massive bureaucracy, which some have attacked as evil is absurdly crowded and waste of huge amounts of money.
What President Trump In an attempt to reduce the size of the Government, it is popular and if its billionaire budget, Elon Musk, is not a lot of court battles are likely to be resolved in its favor.
But the equation is facing on the head when real people feel influence. And the media begins to emphasize the sad cases of devastated people. AND Republican legislators Start complaining to the reduced blows that hit home.
That is why it is so difficult to reduce the federal budget. It’s not like going to Spacex and firing a bunch of software engineers. Political pressures can be intense.
Almost every program in the federal budget exists because some group, at a time, convinced Congress that this was a good idea. There are noble sound causes of cancer, help veterans, subsidies for farmers.
In fact, farmers are threatened with almost-a-dok-dok-do-do-in-chief, most people hate foreign help, food programs provide a key market for US farmers, many of whom are now stuck from spoiled excess or loans that they cannot repay.
Trump’s administration of Elon Musk supported Evisceration of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) has attracted the anger of many in Washington and wider-positively because they are farmers and food supply can depend on the program. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)
Now there are a lot of playing games that continue with government programs. For example, for argumentation, for agencies to reduce one of every 10 employees without damaging their basic functions.
Anyone who has looked at the infinite cycle of conferences, convention, Confab training, office renewal and the like knows how fat is in these budgets. When they bring in lucrative payments to well -related contractors, that figures Skyrockets.
But when Agency officers Come under the fire, they immediately insist that any reduction will immediately harm the poor and lowered or working classes living a salary on a salary. They used to be called Washington Monument Defense, an image for any attempt to reduce funds for the inner ward to cause direct exclusion of the memorial.
For example, for the sake of exploring the world class he uses to Earth. But the battle between the men’s Doge -a Institute focuses on how much it is spent on indirect costs.
Musk says his goal is to “lower overhead costs charged with a whopping 60 percent to a far more reasonable 15 percent.”
But an NBC story is the title: “They could stop medical progress for rescue treatment, experts say.”
In a piece, he quotes Theodore Iwashyna, a doctor at the Faculty of Medicine Johns Hopkins, saying that his “father had a pancreatic cancer, and there was a care plan for him only for research funded through organizations like NiH”.
Iwashyna says that the above -ground costs are needed for “computers, white plates, microscopes, electricity and janitors and staff who maintain the laboratory clean and organized.”
Senator Alabama Katie Britt, whose state receives $ 518 million in scholarships, mostly university of Alabama in Birmingham, collects complaints. The conservative Republican told the journalist that he wanted the administration to take over “a smart, targeted approach” so as not to endanger “revolutionary, saving research.”
Doga has to ‘cut deeper’ and must ‘continue to tear down’ in order to succeed, says Kevin O’Leary
Examples are legions. Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski has asked the administration not to limit the financing of the diversity program among American Indian tribes.
As the New York Times puts it“Some Republicans” sought “outings and special consideration for agricultural programs, scientific research and more, even as they cheered the entire approach to Mr. Trump.”
The man of Doga seems to use the meat method. Why release hundreds of technicians and engineers FAA just a few weeks after a fatal aviation accident at the National Airport Reagan, when is there a big lack of air traffic controllers?
Dog does not seem to take prisoners with a “meat” approach to reduce state consumption. (Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images)
FEMA, which has already been stretched after a fire in Los Angeles and a flood in Kentucky, are prepared to fire hundreds of trial workers, The Washington Post reports. Such workers, who have been with the government for one or two years, are basically no right.
But there was zero effort to evaluate them. Some have been told that their effect is a problem, but they have shown a post of their estimation. “Above completely successful,” one said, for the released GSA worker. “A great year, consistently exceeds expectations,” the relew employee of NIH said.
But viewed from the second angle, paper from his hometown and other places fall into the idea that federal employees should have a mandate for life. Everyone in Washington knows that before Trump it was almost impossible to release such employees, even for reasons.
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In contrast, Southwest Airlines has just announced a 15% reduction in his corporate workforce. No one is in a hurry with the interviews of those released, as this type of reduction in the private sector is routine. But Beltway Ethos is that federal workers are entitled to their jobs.
Now the intellectual honesty requires the observation that even a radical reduction of the federal salary will not have a lot of effect on the $ 840 billion budget deficit or the federal debt of $ 36 trillion. Most of the budget consists of Social securityMedicare, Medicaid, the cost of defense and interest on debt.
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Can Elon Musk and Doga at least make progress in exploiting waste, fraud and abuse? Perhaps. But the level of pain that is inflicted to ordinary Americans, including the Red States, and the natural tendency of politicians to protect the locals from that pain, and the media relentless in the center of the attention of those suffering will be a great obstacle.