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Palestinian Laboratory – EP 2 | Weapon

Exhibiting that Israeli sales of military technology helps state control around the world.

In the second episode of the “Palestinian Laboratory”, journalist and author Antony Loewenstein explores that abroad is being sold to the supervision and military technology developed by Israel and tested on Palestinians. He reveals that the latest Israeli technology is used to supervise refugees and migrants in Greece and along the border of the US-Mexico.

Loewenstein visits Mexico to explore his use of Israeli spy software and travel to India to discover that advanced weapons trade encourages close ties between the two nations. In South Africa, it reveals a hidden aspect of the history of the country that has seen a secret relationship between the Government from the Apartheid and Israeli focus on the secrets of weapons and common values.

What he discovers is the image of how “occupation technology” developed on Palestinians, is also used to obey people and research into political dissidents, human rights and journalists’ veterans around the world.

Loewenstein concludes by asking if the countries buying these systems are actually looking for more than just one more weapon, but instead buy in a broader ideology of separation and control of the “unwanted” population, whether to protest farmers, political dissidents or refugees.

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