Coupon helps a woman to leave the job, save thousands of annually on foods

A woman from Kansas who said she saves $ 3000 a year using coupons for her shopping He said she gave her financial freedom to leave her full -time job.
Taryn Blankenship, 28, from Wichita, Kansas, she told Swws news agency that she started coupons coronavirus pandemic.
When food prices started to grow, Blankeneship became “obsessed with” discount hunting to help her lower her food account, she said.
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Blankenship said she spent on average $ 150 a week on food but managed to break through Her food Shopping costs at $ 40 – all because of her passion to find great offers.
She said that her savings dedication allowed her to leave her full job in the nursing home and “freely live”, focusing on her craft business.
Taryn Blankenship said she saves $ 3,000 every year by suppressing the items and foods she acquired with couponing. (Taryn Blankenship/Swws)
“When it comes to shopping, I would say I use coupons for all my items or get [the product] For 75% off or free, “Blankenship Swns said.
“I manage to save $ 3000 or more annually and have saved about $ 12,000 in the last four years.”
Blankenship said she left the job at the beginning of last year – “And I wouldn’t have succeeded if it hadn’t been coupon.”
“I won’t buy anything if I don’t get it for free or with a very good discount.”
She said she didn’t have to buy The basics of households Like laundry, shampoo or toothpaste of 2020.
Its couponino began in January 2021, Blankenship told SWWS, when she received five packets for $ 1 and received $ 5 for each package with a rebate.
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“I have been hooked on the coupon since then,” she said.
Blankenship said she uses applications to refund or traditional paper coupons to save money.
“I won’t buy anything if I don’t get it for free or with a very good discount,” she said.
Showed above, some of the many Blankenship offers have been used since the coupon began. (Taryn Blankenship/Swws)
Blankenship said she buys items “about approval, not what I want eat that week. “
She added, “Everything in the store is running out – so it will be at some point in approval.”
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Blankenship holds a stock in her home – and she added to her since 2020.
“Ever since I left my full -time job, I’ve been able to concentrate on my craftsmanship and creating content,” Blankenship told Swns.
“I have time to do everything I want. He gave me freedom.”
These are just some of the food products that buy blankenship acquired by couponing. The objects include chocolates, candy and cookies mixture. (Taryn Blankenship/Swws)
He also uses her smart savings to support his community, often donating basic items stored with low -income families, she said.
“Last year, I donated over 50 pipes of toothpaste, 40 boxes of detergent and more,” she said.
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The Fox News Digital addressed Blankenhip for further updates.