Immigrants should learn to love America … so we should!

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This summer, our relaxed big screen will welcome the return of the most famous American illegal aliens: Superman. This is a must -need restart because President Trump, who earned my vocal support, restarts the starting of our country immigration Politics and culture spread.
Changing the story of our first superhero offers a mythological mirror about the challenges we face as a nation, from without and inside. What should it mean and become an American? How do we see each other as heroic or wicked? And how could we create a new way forward? I have a few ideas drawn straight from political Prohibited area.
Post-Island, social justice and anti-American way
Baby Clark Kent Sudar in America during our last big wave immigration 1920 -ih and 30th. And like so many new Americans, including my Italian Pra-Okuke, accepted his new home with a thick, coming to our defense against the Nazis and then the Communists. His motto reflects our greatest values: truth, justice and American way … At least it used to be.
Immigration website ceases to be accepted by applicants for the Biden Program in Trump’s action
The last part of our well-known cryptonic-American superslogan, “American Road,” in recent decades, has fallen out of affection with an increase in anti-heroism and the so-called “critical social justice”. The Academy, Entertainment and Newspaper Media have set up their full -time for decades to portray America and our history as the largest inscription in the world.
Every aspect American culture He was under siege. Our children are now taught that our true birth as a nation is not in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence, but in 1619, with the arrival of the first slaves in an effort to display a previously universal and contemptuous practice as a unique American. So much for “truth”.
After defeating Nazis and Soviet in wars and hot and cold, most of the left, and even some at the moment, now see as too many bellies on the world stage. Even Superman himself, in the graphic novels of Frank Miller of 1986, was reduced to the cynical super-handy of the military industrial complex, intended for the defeat by Dark Knight. Justice died and in darkness.
Our world leader economic growth It is determined as a whip on the planet, creating a “climate crisis” that threatens to extinguish all humanity. Do this personally, since the basic definitions of a man and a woman under attack, and our children are mental health and future fertility much to the appropriate satisfaction of these same climate.
Finally, pulling the 2000 Comics page, we were told that Donald Trump was our real life Lex Luthor, the corrupt fascist Supervillain billionaire.
It should not be a surprise that after the survey, the survey determined that patriotism, especially among young Americans, had completely collapsed. Axios has discovered that only 18% of the 18-34-year-old is “extremely proud” that he is an American. This is 85% in 2013 before the terror kingdom woke up. 67% drop! This same time frame also saw complete collapse in perceived racial relationships in America, from similar and similar false reasons.
One of the irony of our modern era is that, as our elite poisoned our patriotism at home, we also saw more people in this country from abroad than ever before in our history! While blond Banshee on Tictok and stupid “Studies” by professors throw America at every turn, millions of poor and crumpled masses, (mostly) cravings for free, flooded in our allegedly hellish hole. It is a great reminder that while we are Construction of the wall In order for people to be out, in fact hellish countries destroyed by communism and its different “progressive” relatives have historically have to build walls to retain their own people.
And so, here I am like Americans, just like Superman at the beginning of his latest trailer on the big screen: face down in the snow, beaten and bloody.
A dark night for America
“Make America big again” echoes with voters because so many Americans believe that our country is no longer big. They think too much that we were never. Let’s be clear: our country faces a flood of very real problems, and each has influenced immigrationalthough the outcomes are subject to welcome disagreement.
Last fall, I published the Hamilton musical, Battle of the Borders, who brought all these questions on both sides and more to life with the production value of the summer block of superheroes. Working through details about the discussion of immigration, I found that my own views are changing, although I remain more pro-Imigration than many of my colleagues of Trump’s passengers.
Millions of men at a working age have abandoned their workforce even if some measures suggest that most new jobs have gone to immigrants. Still, many (perhaps most) economists agree that immigration is a net contribution to growing and a powerful tool for suppressing inflation.
It is a crime throughout the country, but some statistics suggest that immigrants, including illegals, make fewer crime than citizens of born. It is a cold comfort to the victims of violent illegal violence of gangs. And how much should anyone believe these government statistics, given the recent FBI revisionism?
Our epidemic of Opioid is a humanitarian disaster that destroys millions of lives and overwhelms our streets with desperate and homeless people. But a large beautiful wall on our southern border will not change the demand demand. In addition, the history of alcohol prohibition of our nation has lessons that we should not forget so quickly.
Meanwhile, cities across the country saw their schools, hospitals and shelters that were pushed out of capacity by wave of illegal mass migration from the Biden time. Remember, our last major wave of immigration, when Kal-El first arrived in Kansas, occurred before dawn a progressive state for well-being.
When even the mayor of Democrat Gotham City, Eric Adams, warns that migrants will destroy the city, we should probably notice.
Our complicated culture is the most important
None of the issues related to the immigration we face have been said deep for the future of America as our changing culture, which, as Andrew Breitbard, noted that it is upstream of politics and politics. And there are my friends on the right who declare “cultural things” to clarify: which culture?
Buchanana -style populists like to indicate our white, Western European history as a guide for our future. But that Europe is a distant memory. The view of our beliefs of our mainly white, politically engaged elite should give every patriot a serious break. I’m afraid W in Wasp is now standing for “wake up”.
Consider that they were generally not Latin American immigrants who demolished the Statue Abraham Lincoln during the 2020 BLM riot or dressed the statue of George Washington as the Hamas 2023 fighter. These were our children born and grown, children-indoctrinated children who did it! While burning American cities after the Starbucks moved, 55% of Latin American men were busy with a vote to re -choose Mr. Maga.
Opinion is more important than the color of the skin or earth of origin.
To put it, I would gladly welcome two strenuous new Americans from Mexico in exchange for any gender studio of the genus born in America, graduated from Harvard. I will welcome ten more graduates from the Universidad Francisco Marroquín, before considering the unique Censor, terrorist sympathetic Oxford Anglo.
My point here is simple. We should not expect that newcomers will assimilate to America and want to be an American … If our native culture despises our country! Wake Warriors also told us our children that we should hate America. Their nihilistic cries for “return” and “repatizes” can say: come in and insert us for parts! We deserve it!
What a mantra that is self -destructive for the newcomers to accept! If this is our “way,” we will not be Earth for a longer time. Fortunately, that tide finally turns, if slowly.
New American way to immigration
Most people, including President Trump, believe we need continuous immigration to America. Immigration was generally historically good for our country and it can still be. But the last four years of the black markets of open boundaries through the deliberate neglect of the law have never been sustainable or righteous.
Biden and Harris encouraged millions of people to skip the line, come to America through the back door and remain in the shadow with an unstable and insecure future. And they let the thousands of serious “bad hombres” on their way. It’s a supervillain move if I’ve ever seen it, along with a laugh in Joker style.
The protection of our citizens and sovereignty is the most basic function of power. I support President Trump’s efforts to return the rule of law at our limits. I also hope that success in this effort will set the basis for a sincere debate on the legal journey for future American immigrants. This will include the creation of political compromises in the time of polarization.
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So, here’s a potential compromise of a policy to consider: let’s give a priority more and more easily permanent legal residence and replacement, firmly limit a lot of citizenship and the right to vote only to naturally born Americans, along with the universal voter-based ID as any other main civilized nation with the same By voting on the same day.
Although the restriction of the franchise to naturally born citizens may be political cryptonite, this would help depoliticize immigration by removing migrants as a voice block to capture. No more Tammany Hall style in buying votes by left -wing or reactionary right -wing limitations for fear of the imported electorate! And besides, why should any newcomer change the rules of the game they just joined? If you don’t like our rules, don’t play.
One thing is crystal clear: Discussing immigration is basically a discussion of the future of American culture. Who are we like a nation? What values should we nurture, promote and expect that newcomers will be assimilated? What is the “American way”? We should not drop it from our super slogan. We need and need well defined.
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We do not need to invent this wheel. American faith is the best of Western civilization: freedom. Individual responsibility. Religious freedom, rooted in Judeo-Christian values. Opportunity. Equality of blind identity under the law. Local government. Voluntary association.
That means true to me, justice and an American way. This should be expected to accept the newcomers. And here’s the hope that, like Superman, the return will return.